
Lip blisters

These are sometimes called “sucking blisters” and are most often seen in breastfed infants. The blisters may be along the lips but are especially common in the center of the upper lip. They are painless and require no treatment.


Teeth usually come in between 4-11 months of age. The two bottom front teeth are usually the first to appear, followed by the two top front teeth. Symptoms of teething may include fussiness, sleeplessness, and increased drooling and chewing. A slight increase in body temperature is normal; however, a fever above 100.4° is not a common symptom of teething. If this occurs, contact your provider.

If your baby is very uncomfortable, these may help:

  • Over-the-counter pain medicines such as acetaminophen (Tylenol® and others) or ibuprofen (Motrin® and others).
  • Gently massaging or rubbing your baby’s gums with a clean finger or gauze.
  • Teething ring or cold (not frozen) spoon.

Over-the-counter teething remedies and homeopathic treatments are not proven and are not recommended. Do not use medications such as benzocaine or lidocaine. These can harm your baby. Some teething toys may cause choking or other injuries, so a standard teething ring is your best option.

Caring for new teeth

When you see your baby’s new teeth, begin brushing them regularly. Use fluoride-free toothpaste or a small smear of regular toothpaste with a small toothbrush or a brush that fits over your finger. It is good to begin the habit of brushing even before the teeth erupt. Once the teeth are in, avoid putting your baby to bed with a bottle of formula or sugar drink as this can lead to cavities. Water is the best drink after the teeth are brushed.

Lumps and bumps on the gums

You may notice lumps and bumps on your baby’s gums. These are usually harmless cysts along the tooth line, rather than teeth. They go away in time and do not require treatment.


Thrush is an infection caused by a yeast called candida. It causes white patches on the gums, cheeks and tongue. It may also cause a red diaper rash. The yeast is acquired at birth. It does not come from any unusual exposure or improper care. Contact your provider if you think your baby may have thrush. It is treated with a prescription liquid (and cream if diaper rash is also present).