Insurance and Billing Financial assistance
Payment policy
Texas Children’s Hospital will bill your health insurance company for your child’s hospital stay. See our list of health plans accepted by Texas Children's Hospital. You will receive a statement for any portion that is your responsibility.
If your child is not covered by insurance, you will need to pay the bill or make payment arrangements. You can pay by cash or check, or with Visa, Discover, American Express or MasterCard credit cards. Learn more about paying your bill.
You can download copies of our collections policy in English or Spanish.
Financial assistance policy (FAP)
As part of our commitment to our patients and their families, we ensure that all families are notified of our financial assistance policy and the availability of government or hospital-sponsored programs if financial assistance is needed.
Texas Children’s has a team of specially trained financial counselors, available Monday through Friday, to help families understand the financial assistance policies and the requirements for assistance, and to help them apply and qualify for coverage programs and/or hospital assistance.
The team includes members who are fluent in English and Spanish, with additional multi-lingual specialists provided through the hospital’s extensive translation services.
Under its Financial Assistance Policy, Texas Children’s Hospital (“TCH”) provides financial assistance to eligible patients and/or their families who are unable to pay some or all of the bills related to services deemed “medically necessary” by Medicare, Medicaid or industry standards.
Financial assistance also may be available to other patients, and for other services, determined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with Texas Children’s Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy.
En virtud de su Política de Asistencia Financiera, el Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) proporciona asistencia financiera a los pacientes y/o familiares elegibles que no pueden pagar por parte o la totalidad de las facturas correspondientes a los servicios considerados “médicamente necesarios” por Medicare, Medicaid o los estándares de la industria.
Es posible que otros pacientes también puedan optar a recibir asistencia financiera, y para otro tipo de servicios, si bien la decisión de concederla se estudiará individualmente en cumplimiento con la Política de Asistencia Financiera del TCH.
Eligibility is generally based on gross income in relation to the Federal Poverty Level established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, taking into account the availability of any assistance from government health care programs.
A sliding scale is used to determine the percentage discount available, with discounts ranging from 56.5% to 100%.
In certain cases, even those who qualify for a 100% discount may be required to pay a deductible according to Texas Children’s Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy.
However, in no event will a patient/family who is eligible for financial assistance be charged more than the amounts generally billed by Texas Children’s Hospital for emergency or other medically necessary care.
No patient will be denied financial assistance because of gender, race, creed, color, national identity/ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability.
Texas Children’s Hospital will provide, without discrimination, care for emergency medical conditions to individuals regardless of whether they are eligible for financial assistance.
Por lo general, la elegibilidad se basa en los ingresos brutos en relación con el nivel federal de pobreza establecido por el Departamento de Salud y Asuntos Humanos de los Estados Unidos, teniendo en cuenta la posible disponibilidad de ayudas económicas de los programas gubernamentales de atención médica.
Se emplea una escala móvil para determinar el porcentaje de descuento disponible, que va desde el 56.5% hasta el 100%.
En determinados casos, incluso si el paciente califica para obtener un descuento del 100%, es posible que deba pagar un deducible según la Política de Asistencia Financiera del TCH.
Sin embargo, en ningún caso ningún paciente o familiar elegible para recibir asistencia financiera tendrá que pagar más que los montos generalmente facturados por el TCH para la atención de emergencia u otro tipo de atención médicamente necesaria.
No se podrá negar la asistencia financiera a ningún paciente por motivo de sexo, raza, credo, color, identidad nacional/origen étnico, religión, edad, orientación sexual o discapacidad.
El TCH brindará, sin discriminación, atención para las afecciones médicas que requieran cuidados de emergencia, independientemente de si el paciente reúne o no los requisitos para optar a la asistencia financiera.
Those seeking financial assistance must complete a financial assistance application with a Financial Counselor or Patient Services Specialist.
Applications and Texas Children’s Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy are available at no charge by calling Customer Service at 832-824-2300, or at one of the Texas Children’s locations below:
Cualquier paciente que desee recibir asistencia financiera deberá completar una solicitud con un asesor financiero o especialista en servicios para pacientes.
Los formularios de solicitud y la Política de Asistencia Financiera están a su disposición sin costo alguno y pueden encontrarse llamando al servicio al cliente al 832-824-2300 o en las siguientes localidades:
- Medical Center Main Campus
- 832-824-5505 - Main Admissions Office located on the 3rd floor West Tower
- Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Pavilion for Woman
- 832-826-3300 - Main Admissions Office located on the 3rd floor
- Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- West Campus
- 832-227-2100 - Main Admissions Office located on the 1st floor
- Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- The Woodlands
- 936-267-5400 - Main Admissions Office located on the 1st floor
- Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- North Austin
- 737-229-2250 - Main Admissions Office is located on the 1st floor
- Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
You can also view or print the Financial Assistance Policy, Application and Reference documents at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions regarding Texas Children’s Hospital’s Financial Assistance Policy or need assistance with completing an application, please call our Financial Counselors or Patient Services Specialists at 832-824-5505 or visit Texas Children’s Hospital’s Main Admissions Office on the 3rd floor of West Tower, 6621 Fannin St., Houston, Texas 77030, any time between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays).
Si tiene cualquier pregunta acerca de la Política de Asistencia Financiera del TCH o necesita ayuda para completar una solicitud, llame a nuestros asesores financieros o a los especialistas en servicios para pacientes al 832-824-5505 o acuda a la Oficina Principal de Admisiones, situada en el piso de la torre oeste (West Tower), en 6621 Fannin St., Houston, Texas 77030; el horario de atención es de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. (excepto feriados).
Our Financial Counselors can help you search for resources to pay your portion of the hospital bill or can arrange a payment schedule. For assistance, please call:
- Medical Center Main Campus
- 832-824-5505 - Main Admissions Office located on the 3rd floor West Tower
- Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Pavilion for Women
- 832-826-3300 - Main Admissions Office located on the 3rd floor
- Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- West Campus
- 832-227-2100 - Main Admissions Office located on the 1st floor
- Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- The Woodlands
- 936-267-5400 - Main Admissions Office located on the 1st floor
- Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- North Austin
- 737-229-2250 - Main Admissions Office is located on the 1st floor
- Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Financial Assistance Policy (English or Spanish)
- Plain Language Summary (English & Spanish)
- Financial Assistance Application (English & Spanish)
- Federal Poverty Guidelines (48 States)
- Participating Providers
- Amounts Generally Billed Percentage FY2025 (English & Spanish)