
Duncan NRI Research


The Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute

One billion people worldwide - including 300 million children - suffer from devastating diseases. In 2010 we set out to change this reality. Today, Texas Children's Duncan NRI is at the forefront of unlocking the mysteries behind the most complex neurological, neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases and provide renewed hope to patients and families around the world of finding new and effective treatments. 

By The Numbers

1700+ discoveries published in top-tier scientific journals

400+ Research personnel including 37 principal investigators

90 New disease genes discovered

6 Active clinical trials and studies

2.5X ROI on philanthropy (donations lead to NIH support and other grants)

Help fund a better future

Your generous donations make our research possible. Give today, and you’ll help us continue our search for answers and possibly give children with devastating neurological conditions the promise of a brighter tomorrow.