Texas Children's Link is a web-based provider portal that allows secure, convenient access to Texas Children’s electronic medical record. Access is easy to set up and there’s no software or hardware to maintain, so you can concentrate on caring for your patients.
Obtaining access for you and your practice is simple! Click on the “Request Access” button to complete the request form. After your request is submitted, please allow 7-10 business days for processing.
View important information about your patient’s care at Texas Children’s Hospital, including discharge, consult and operative reports, imaging reports, lab results, medications, family history, allergies, problem list and more
Receive correspondence and messages from Texas Children’s providers
View and receive notifications about inpatient admissions, discharges, emergency room encounters and urgent care visits
View upcoming appointments
View referral status
Provider (MD, PA, NP)
Clinical Support Staff (RN, LVN, NA, CMA)
Non-Clinical Support Staff
Create new patient records
Place and cancel orders and referrals
Place and pend orders and referrals for provider signature