
Health Professionals Update Provider Information

Referring Provider Information

Thank you for taking the time to ensure that your contact information is accurate and up to date. We greatly appreciate your partnership in keeping your information current with both Texas Children’s Hospital and Texas Children’s Health Plan, as needed, whenever there are changes to your demographic details.

Texas Children’s Hospital maintains a directory containing information for each referring/authorizing provider’s primary practice address, phone, and fax. This demographic information is used to communicate clinical information for shared patients that have received care at Texas Children’s Hospital or an affiliated specialty care location

If you change your address, join a new practice, stop practicing or have any new information you would like to share with Texas Children’s Hospital, please click on the “Update Provider Information with Texas Children’s Hospital” button, complete the form, and submit your updated information.

If you have questions, please contact the Texas Children’s Hospital Provider Connect team:

Texas Children’s Health Plan maintains a directory of provider information for the purpose of health plan operations.  This information is necessary for proper and complete processing of TCHP claims, authorizations, and other payor processing functionalities.

If you are participating provider with TCHP and any of your demographic information changes, please click on the “Provider Information Change with Texas Children’s Health Plan” button to access the appropriate form. Once complete, please mail, fax, or email the completed form (instructions included within form).

If you have questions, please contact the Texas Children’s Health Plan team: