Texas Children’s Hospital offers healthcare providers and patients a safe and secure way to share radiology imaging using InteleShare. Inteleshare (formerly known as Ambra) is a HIPAA-compliant tool.
Your radiology images and associated reports can be shared and delivered to the clinical teams at Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) for review. Sharing your imaging records enhances the continuity and timeliness of care.
How to upload your Radiology Imaging Records
Patients and healthcare providers may share imaging records with TCH using the following steps.
You will need to share your radiology images from your computer. We recommend using Google Chrome.
Select one of the following links, applicable to you:
If you are receiving care from one of the following clinical services, please select the appropriate link:
If you would like to request a second opinion, please also visit our Second Opinion request page and provide us with the requested information.
Enter your email address and click ‘Continue’.
Select the drive or folder of the images you would like to upload. The computer will scan and look for any available DICOM images. This may take a few minutes to complete.
a. NOTE: To share a JPG, GIF (non-DICOM format file), check the Select files for DICOM wrapping checkbox.
b. Select ‘Upload Selected Studies’ and wait while the study uploads.
c. Once the study has been uploaded successfully, you will see a green checkbox and have the opportunity to upload a report document or additional studies.
d. To upload a report, select ‘Choose File.’ Choose the report in the new window that pops up and select ‘Upload Report.’
For more information or help, please contact one of the following TCH Radiology departments: