Reflective Practice and Leadership in Medicine and Medical Education Publications, Presentations and Example Interactive Educational Events
RP&L Publications & Abstracts
Frugé, E., Sprehe, M., Loftis, L., Brown-Hellsten, M. & Bruce, C. Managing conflict when there’s disagreement in care between medical providers, caregivers, and/or patient. In Mazur, K. & Berg, S. (Eds.) Ethical Issues in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Berlin: Springer, 2020.
Puri, K., Malek, J., de la Uz, C.M., Lantos, J., Cabrera, A.G. & Frugé, E. Ethics Rounds: The Risks of Allowing Adolescents to Weigh Benefits and Burdens Of High-Stakes Treatment Alternatives. Pediatrics. Jul 2019, 144 (1) e20183714; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2018-3714.
Ghoneim, N., Dariya, V., Guffey, D., Minard, C.G., Frugé, E., Harris, L.L., Johnson, K.E. & Arnold, J. Teaching NICU Fellows How to Relay Difficult News Using a Simulation-based Curriculum: Does Comfort Lead to Competence? Teaching and Learning in Medicine. November 2018, Vol 31, Issue 2, 207-221.
Lee-Kim Y., Whittle S., Porea T., Frugé E., Gramatges M. Strategies for Implementing an Effective Morbidity Mortality and Improvement (MMI) Conference. American Society of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. Pittsburg, PA. May 2-5, 2018.
Myerson, W., Wolfe, H., Hirschhorn, L., Myerson, D. & Frugé, E. Consultation to Organizations. In S. Akhtar & S. Twemlow (Eds.) Textbook of Applied Psychoanalysis. New York: Routledge, 2018.
Mehta, P.S., Slone, J., Chinyundo, K., Ishigami, E., Wasswa, P., Anderson, A., Niremberg, D., Noli, M., Kahan, S., Lubega, J., Airewele, G. & Frugé, E. Reflective Practice & Leadership in Global Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 49th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. Washington, D.C. October 12-15, 2017.
Airewele, G., Mehta, P.S., Slone, J., Chinyundo, K., Ishigami, E., Wasswa, P., Anderson, A., Niremberg, D., Noli, M., Kahan, S., Lubega, J. & Frugé, E. Reflective Practice & Leadership in Global Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Annual Showcase of Educational Scholarship. Sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. September 29, 2017.
Hellsten, M., Loftis, L., Berg, S., Leung, K., Brackett, J. Hesselgrave, J. & Frugé, E. Challenges in Multi-specialty Care Coordination. 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. Dublin, Ireland. October 19-22, 2016. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. November 2016, Vol 63, Issue S3, S1-S321.
Howells, A., Frugé, E., Lehecka, K., McCullough, L. & Loftis, L. Incorporating RP&L Methods into Professional Medical Ethics Education. American Society of Bioethics and Humanities 17th Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas. October 22-25, 2015.
Brackett, J., Frugé, E. & Lorin, M. Using standardized patients to improve delivery of bad news by pediatric hematology-oncology fellows. Journal of Clinical Oncology. October 2015, 33, No. 29 Supplement, 29-29.
Drutz, J.E., Correa, A., Rainusso, N., Lorin, M. & Frugé, E. Stretching the Simulated Dollar: Combining Reflective Practice and Team-Based Learning. 7th International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshops. Sponsored by the International Pediatric Simulation Society. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May 4-6, 2015.
Drutz, J.E., Frugé, E., McCullough, L. & Swan, D.B. Ethical Considerations in Communicating with or about a Child. In D.L. Palazzi, M.I. Lorin, T.L. Turner, M.A. Ward & A.G. Cabrera (Eds.) Communicating with Pediatric Patients and their Families: The Texas Children’s Hospital guide for physicians, nurses and other health care professionals. Houston, Texas: Texas Children’s Hospital, 2015.
Frugé, E. Lakoski, J.M., Luban, N., Lipton, J.M., Poplack, D., Hagey, A. , Felgenhauer, J., Hilden, J., Margolin, J., Vaiselbuh, S. R. & Sakamoto, K. Increasing Diversity in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2011, 57, Issue 1, 147-152.
Frugé, E., Margolin, J., Horton, T., Venkateswaran, L, Lee, D., Yee, D.L. & Mahoney, D. Defining and Managing Career Challenges for Mid-Career and Senior Stage Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologists. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2010, 55, Issue 6, 1180-1185.
Frugé, E., Mahoney, D.H., Poplack, D.G. & Horowitz, M.E. Leadership: "They Never Taught Me This in Medical School". Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2010, 32, No. 4, 304-308.
Teal, C.R., Shada, R.E., Gill, A., Thompson, B.M., Frugé, E., Villarreal, G.B. & Haidet, P. When Best Intentions Aren’t Enough: Helping Medical Students Develop Strategies for Managing Bias about Patients. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2010, 25, No. 2, 115-118.
Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M. Reflective Practice & Leadership in Medicine & Medical Education: Implementation and Outcomes for a MedEdPORTAL Publication. 2nd Annual MedEdPORTAL Poster Session. 2010 Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. November 6, 2010.
Frugé, E., Margolin, J., Horton, T., Venkateswaran, L., Lee, D., Yee, D.L. & Mahoney, D. Defining and Managing Career Challenges for Mid-Career and Senior Stage Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologists. 2010 Annual Meeting, American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Montréal, Quebec, Canada. April 7-10, 2010.
Myerson, W.A., Frugé, E. & Horowitz, M.E. Utilizing Reflective Practice and Leadership in the management of complex social challenges that arise in a psychoanalytic institute: A preliminary report. American Psychoanalytic Association 2010 National Meeting. New York, NY. January 13-17, 2010.
Drutz J.E., Horowitz M., Frugé E. Reflective Practice and Leadership in Primary Care Pediatrics: From Systematic Needs Assessment to CME to Faculty Development. Showcasing Innovations: Harvard Macey Poster Session. 2009 Annual Meeting, American Association of Medical Colleges. Boston, MA. November 6-11, 2009.
Whitney, S.N., McCullough, L.B., Frugé, E., McGuire, A.L. & Volk, R.J. Beyond Breaking Bad News: The Roles of Hope and Hopefulness. Cancer. 2008, No.2: pp.442-445.
Frugé, E. & Mahoney, D. Defining and Managing Career Challenges for Middle and Senior Level Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologists. 21st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Cincinnati, Ohio. May 15, 2008.
Frugé, E., Airewele, G., Lau, C., Leung, K., Mahoney, D., Myers, G.D., Horowitz, M. Preparing Pediatric Oncology Trainees for the Future Through Reflective Practice and Leadership. 40th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. Berlin, Germany. October 2-6, 2008.
Frugé, E., Mahoney, D., Airewele, G. & Lee, D. Reflective Practice and Leadership: An Effective Approach to Education for the “New” Core Competencies. 20th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Toronto, Canada. May 5, 2007.
Drutz, J.E., Frugé, E. & Horowitz, M. Abstract: Senior Residents’ 1-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of a Reflective Practice Workshop Devoted to “Delivering Bad News”. Pediatric Academic Societies 2007 Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Pediatric Society, Society for Pediatric Research & Ambulatory Pediatric Association. Toronto, Canada. May 5-8, 2007.
Frugé, E., Mahoney, D., Lee, D., Airewele, D., Leung, K., Lau, C., Myers, G.D. & Horowitz, M. Abstract: Reflective Practice and Leadership: An Approach to Educating Fellows in the “New” Core Competencies. 4th Annual Cancer Center Symposium. Sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. November 3, 2006.
Whitney, S.N., Ethier, A.M., Frugé, E., Berg, S., McCullough, L. & Hockenberry, M. Decision Making in Pediatric Oncology – Who Should Take the Lead? The Decisional Priority in Pediatric Oncology Model. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2006, 24, No. 1: pp. 160-165.
Frugé, E., King, J., Fordis, M., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M. Abstract: Enhancing Ethics Education Through Research and Reflective Practice. Annual Showcase of Educational Scholarship. Sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. October 30, 2006. (Received the Educational Scholarship Recognition Award)
Frugé, E., King, J., Fordis, M., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M. Abstract: Delineation and Validation of Core Competencies: An Approach to Ensuring the Relevance of Medical Education. 2006 Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) Annual Conference. Galveston, Texas. May 4-6, 2006.
Frugé, E., Mahoney, D., Lee, D., Airewele, G., Leung, K., Lau, C., Myers, G.D. & Horowitz, M. Abstract: Reflective Practice and Leadership: An Approach to Educating Fellows in the “New”Competencies. American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology: Pediatric Academic Societies 2006 Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Pediatric Society, Society for Pediatric Research & Ambulatory Pediatric Association. San Francisco, California. April 29-May 2, 2006.
Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E., Horowitz, M. & King, J. Abstract: Enhancing Ethics Education Through Research and Reflective Practice. Pediatric Academic Societies 2006 Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Pediatric Society, Society for Pediatric Research & Ambulatory Pediatric Association. San Francisco, California. April 29-May 2, 2006.
Whitney, SN, McCullough, LB, Volk, RJ, Ethier, A, Barrera, P, Gregurich, MA, Berg, S, Frugé, E, Hockenberry, M. Abstract: Decision Making in Pediatric Cancer—Who Should Take the Lead? 7th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. Washington, D.C. October 20, 2005.
Frugé, E., King, J., Fordis, M., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M. Abstract: Delineation and Validation of Core Competencies: An Approach to Ensuring the Relevance of Medical Education. Annual Showcase of Educational Scholarship. Sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. September 30,2005. (Received the Educational Scholarship Recognition Award).
Frugé, E. & Horowitz, M. Leadership dimensions of the physician’s role: A transitional approach to training in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. In G. Amado & L. Vansina (Eds.) The Transitional Approach in Action: The Harold Bridger Transitional Series. Vol. II. London: Karnac, 2004.
Whitney, S.N., Berg, S.L., Frugé, E.D., McGuire, A.L., McCullough, L.B., Volk, R.J. Abstract: Hope in Research: Views of Pediatric Cancer Researchers. 32nd Annual Meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group. Orlando, Florida. October 10-13, 2004.
Frugé, E. & Adams, C. …and then the missionaries became cannibals…: Resuscitation of Empathy in a Pediatric Oncology Nursing Service and the Principles and Practice of Application in the Group Relations Tradition. In S. Cytrynbaum & D. Noumair (Eds.) Group Relations Reader III. Washington, D.C.: A.K. Rice Institute, 2004.
Horowitz, M.D., Drutz, J.E. & Frugé, E. Stressors and strains of medical training and practice. (Letter to the editor) Swiss Medical Weekly, 2003, Vol. 133, Issue 45-46, p. 629.
Frugé, E., Horowitz, M. & Poplack, D. Learning for Leadership Through Reflective Practice: A Model For the Education of Advanced Trainees in the Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatric Oncology. 35th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. Cairo, Egypt. October 8-11, 2003.
Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E., Fordis, M., Brody, B. & McCullough, L. Delineating Professionalism and its Implications for Medical Education. Fostering Professionalism: Challenges and Opportunities. Sponsored by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education and the American Board of Medical Specialties, Rosemont, Illinois. September 18-19, 2003.
Drutz, J. & Frugé, E. Learning to Navigate Through Complex and Tragic Clinical Situations: Employing Reflective Practice as a Means of Enhancing Communication and Leadership Skills. Ambulatory Pediatric Association: Pediatric Academic Societies 2003 Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Pediatric Society, Society for Pediatric Research & Ambulatory Pediatric Association. Seattle, Washington. May 3-6, 2003.
Frugé, E., Strother, D., Blaney, S., Lau, M.D., Ph.D., Mahoney Donald M.D., Marc Horowitz M.D. Encouraging Reflection and Leadership: A Seminar for Fellows on the Psychosocial Aspects of Hematology/Oncology. American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology: Pediatric Academic Societies 2002 Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Pediatric Society, Society for Pediatric Research & Ambulatory Pediatric Association. Baltimore, Maryland. May 4-7, 2002.
Drutz, J., Frugé, E., Khan, S. & Brown-Hellsten, M. Learning for Leadership in Tragic Circumstances: Teaching Encounters for the Resident-in-Training and the Experienced Practicing Physician. Ambulatory Pediatric Association: Pediatric Academic Societies 2002 Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Pediatric Society, Society for Pediatric Research & Ambulatory Pediatric Association. Baltimore, Maryland. May 4-7, 2002.
Drutz, J., Frugé, E., Khan, S. & Brown-Hellsten, M. Abstract: Delivering Bad News: Views of Experienced Physicians and Implications for Continuing Education. Health Resources and Services Administration, Ambulatory Pediatric Association: Pediatric Academic Societies 2002 Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the American Pediatric Society, Society for Pediatric Research & Ambulatory Pediatric Association. Baltimore, Maryland. May 4-7, 2002.
Drutz, J., Frugé, E., Khan, S. & Brown-Hellsten, M. Learning for Leadership in Tragic Situations: Evolution of Educational Methods. 2001 National Faculty Development Scholars Program: Faculty Development for General Pediatrics Generalists Faculty Training in Community-Based Ambulatory Settings. Sponsored by the Ambulatory Pediatric Association and the Health Resources and Services Administration, Orlando, Florida. December 7-8, 2001.
Selected RP&L Presentations
Frugé, E. Translation of a Group Relations Perspective to Medical Education and Consultation: The Reflective Practice & Leadership Model. The A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems: Dialogues IV. Chicago, Ill. September 14, 2019.
Frugé, E. Grand Rounds - Reflective Practice & Leadership in Medicine and Medical Education: A Brief Introduction. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Memphis, Tennessee. April 11, 2019.
Frugé, E. Keynote Address – Career Planning and Development: A Market Perspective. 8th Annual Clinical Fellows’ Research Symposium. Sponsored by the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Memphis, Tennessee. April 10, 2019.
Frugé, E., Matshaba, M., Lubega, J., Airewele, G., Wilson-Lewis, K. & Mizwa, M. Complexities of Partnership Development in Global Child Health Programs. 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Dublin, Ireland. June 22, 2018.
Frugé, E. Grand Rounds - Reflective Practice & Leadership in Medicine and Medical Education: A Brief Introduction. Sponsored by the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Hartford, Connecticut. October 10, 2017.
Frugé, E., Malek, J. & Bernhardt, B. Reflective Practice & Ethical Leadership in the Context of Scarce Medical Resources. Citywide Pathology Grand Rounds. Sponsored by the Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. February 5, 2017.
Mehta, P., Slone, J., Anderson, A. Margolin, J. Wilson-Lewis, K., Ishigami, E., Cubbage, M. & Frugé, E. Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Distress in Global Pediatric Oncology. Invited Workshop: 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. Dublin, Ireland. October 22, 2016.
Mehta, P.S., Frugé, E. Slone, J.S., Slone, A.K., Airewele, G. & Ishigami, E. Reflective Practice and Global Leadership in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology: A Model for “On the Job” Training. International Society of Paediatric Oncology. October 8-11, 2015. Cape Town, South Africa. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, November 2015 61:s159-S159.
Brown-Hellsten, M., Frugé, E. & Loftis, L. Reflections on Challenges in Multispecialty Care Coordination. 2015 Quality and Safety in Children’s Health Conference. Sponsored by the Children’s Hospital Association. San Francisco, CA. March 9-11, 2015.
Pizzo, P.A., Frugé, E., Zweidler-McKay, P.A. & Sakamoto, K.M. Late Career Transitions in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Invited Workshop: 27th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. Chicago, Illinois. May 16, 2014.
Johnson, T., Vaiselbuh, S., Gavin, J. Frugé, E. & Sakamoto, K. Career Development and Increasing Diversity in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Invited Workshop & Annual Meeting of the ASPHO Diversity Special Interest Group: 27th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. Miami, Florida. May 16, 2014.
Frugé, E. Grand Rounds - Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Evidence-based Approach to the New Core Competencies. Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Pediatrics. Stanford University School of Medicine. Department of Pediatrics Hematology/Oncology/Stem Cell Transplantation/Cancer Biology. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford. Palo Alto, CA. November 7, 2012.
Chinoy, M.R., Chandran, L., Frugé, E. & Sakamoto, K. Diveristy in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology: Report from the 2011 ASPHO Meeting Workshop. Invited presentation: American Society of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Division Chiefs/Chairs Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 9, 2012.
Frugé, E. Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Evidence-Based Approach to a Complex Communication Skill. Invited Address: University of Melbourne, Department of General Practice. Melbourne, Australia. June 20, 2011.
Association of Pediatric Program Directors Forum for Fellowship Directors. Denver, CO. April 19, 2011. Competitively selected workshop: Frugé, E. & Widness, J. Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Evidence-Based Approach to Educating Fellows in the New Core Competencies.
A Group Relations Conference sponsored by the Harvard University School of Education Ed.L.D. Program. Cambridge, MA. January 7-9, 2011. Invited consulting faculty: Frugé, E. Leadership, Authority and Organizational Life.
Pediatric Grand Rounds. Sponsored by M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Houston, Texas. December 13, 2010. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. Managing Conflict Between Physicians: Reflective Practice & Leadership.
Educator Special Interest Group. Sponsored by the Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. October 21, 2010. Invited presentation: Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M.D. Reflective Practice & Leadership in Medicine: An Overview of Educational Research.
Department of Graduate Medical Education, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinic. Kansas City, Mo. April 1, 2010. Invited grand rounds presentation: Frugé, E. & Horowitz, M.E. Reflective Practice & Leadership in Medicine: An Educational Approach and its Outcomes.
The 2008 Symposium of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems - Leadership Across the Globe: Transforming Organizations and Relationships. Chicago, Illinois. April 30 – May 4, 2008. Competitively selected presentation: Frugé, E. Reflective Practice & Leadership (RP&L): An Application of Concepts and Methods Derived from the Tavistock Tradition to Graduate Medical Education.
26th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Toledo, Spain. June 27, 2009. Competitively selected presentation: Frugé, E., Myerson, W. & Marc E. Horowitz, M. Merger and Leadership: Containment and Integration in Medical and Psychoanalytic Organizations.
Advances in Teaching & Learning Regional Conference. Sponsored by the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Texas School of Health Information Sciences at Houston. October 9, 2008. Competitively selected presentation: Frugé, E., Airewele, G., Lau, C., Leung, K., Mahoney, D., Myers, G.D., Horowitz, M. Reflective Practice and Leadership: An Approach to Education for the “New” Core Competencies.
Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Children’s University Hospital and Justus-Liebig-University. Giessen, Germany. October 2, 2008. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. Reflective Practice and Leadership in Medicine.
A Group Relations Conference sponsored by the New York Center for the Study of Groups, Organizations and Social Systems – An Affiliate of the A.K. Rice Institute and Teachers’ College, Columbia University. New York, NY. October 26-28, 2007. Invited consulting faculty: Frugé, E. Authority, Leadership and Participation in Groups and Organizational Systems.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Pediatric Fellows Core Curriculum. Iowa City, Iowa. July, 2007. Visiting professorship: Frugé, E. Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Approach to Educating Residents and Fellows in the Core Competencies.
20th Annual Meeting of the American Sociey for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Toronto, Canada. May 5, 2007. Invited workshop: Frugé, E., Mahoney, D., Airewele, G. & Lee, D. Reflective Practice and Leadership: An Effective Approach to Education for the “New” Core Competencies.
Graduate Medical Education Committee Meeting. Sponsored by M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Houston, Texas. March 26, 2007. Invited presentation: Fisch, M., Baile, W. & Frugé, E. Pizza Rounds: A Pilot Idea for Addressing Aspects of Professionalism and Communication.
Fellows’ Day. Sponsored by the Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. March 30, 2007. Invited workshop: Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E., Myers, G.D., Allen, C., Muscal, J. & Horowitz, M. The fellow as educator and role model: Promoting reflective practice and leadership in residents and students.
Inaugural Conference for Canadian Pediatric Hematology Oncology Program Directors and Residents. Sponsored by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary. Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. October 20, 2006. Invited presentation: Horowitz, M.E. & Frugé, E. Reflective Practice in Medicine and Medical Education.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Graduate Medical Education Group. Iowa City, Iowa. September 5, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Mahoney, D. Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Approach to Graduate Education for Professionalism and Interpersonal/Communication Skill.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Graduate Medical Education Program Directors and Coordinators. Iowa City, Iowa. September 6, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Mahoney, D. Reflective Practice & Leadership: Tapping the Wisdom of Faculty for Resident & Fellow Education in Professionalism, Humanism & Interpersonal Skill.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Pediatric Fellows Core Curriculum. Iowa City, Iowa. September 6, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Mahoney, D. Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Approach to Educating Fellows in the Core Competencies.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Pediatric Resident Conference. Iowa City, Iowa. September 7, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Mahoney, D. Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Approach to Educating Residents in the Core Competencies.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Faculty Research Presentation. Iowa City, Iowa. September 7, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Mahoney, D. Enhancing Ethics Education for Practicing Pediatricians: Research & Reflective Practice.
Léon Bérard Comprehensive Cancer Center. Lyon, France. June 16, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. A Systemic Perspective on Patient Autonomy: Reflective Practice, Leadership and Informed Consent in Medical Education.
Rethinking Informed Consent: The Limits of Autonomy. The VIII Annual Symposium on Biomedicine, Ethics and Society. Sponsored by the Centre for Bioethics at Karolinska Institutet & Uppsala University. In collaboration with the Nordic Committee on Bioethics. Sandhamn, Sweden. June 12-13, 2006. Competitively selected presentation: Frugé, E., Mahoney, D., Rousseau, R. & Horowitz, M. A Systemic Perspective on Patient Autonomy: Reflective Practice, Leadership and Informed Consent in Medical Education.
Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Program Faculty Meeting. Adolescent Medicine Section, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. May 26, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E., Horowitz, M. & Drutz, J. Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Approach to Preparing Physicians for the Complexities of Their Role.
Baylor College of Medicine Academy of Distinguished Educators Think Tank. Houston, Texas. April 28, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E., Horowitz, M. & King, J. A Systemic Approach to Reflective Practice and Leadership in Medical Education: Mapping the Challenges.
AKRI Forum 2006: The Forum of the AK Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems. Chicago, Illinois. April 5-9, 2006. Competitively selected presentation: Kent, P. & Frugé, E. Science, Psychoanalysis and Systems: Research and Reflective Practice in the Organization of Addictions Treatment.
Baylor College of Medicine Continuing Medical Education Committee. Houston, Texas. March 17, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E., King, J. & Fordis, M. Delineation and Validation of Core Competencies: A Systems Approach to Ensuring the Relevance of Continuing Medical Education.
Alliance for Continuing Medical Education 31st Annual Conference. San Francisco, California. January 25-28, 2006. Competitively selected presentation: Frugé, E., King, J. & Fordis, M. Delineation and Validation of Core Competencies: A Systems Approach to Ensuring the Relevance of Continuing Medical Education.
Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit (PPRU) Quarterly Steering Committee. Houston, Texas. January 20, 2006. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Horowitz, M. Reflective Practice and Leadership: An Approach to Educating Physicians for the Complexities of Their Role.
Léon Bérard Comprehensive Cancer Center. Lyon, France. December 13, 2005. Invited presentation: Frugé, E., Horowitz, M. & Drutz, J. Reflective Practice and Leadership: An Approach to Educating Physicians for the Complexities of Their Role.
Neurobehavioral Psychology Continuing Education Conference. Sponsored by The Learning Support Center, Texas Children's Hospital. Houston, Texas. November 11, 2005. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. Systems-Psychoanalytic Consultation to Health Care Teams: A Case Study Applying the Tavistock Approach to Group Relations.
Pediatric Ethics: Setting an Agenda for the Future. Sponsored by The Children’s Hospital/The Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland, Ohio. September 9-11, 2005. Competitively selected presentation: Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M. Enhancing Ethics Education for Practicing Pediatricians: Research and Reflective Practice.
Educational Conference for Housestaff Coordinators. Sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine Office of Graduate Medical Education. Houston, Texas. August 17, 2005. Invited presentation: Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M.E. Reflective Practice & Leadership: An Approach to Graduate Education for Professionalism and Interpersonal/Communication Skill.
2005 Symposium of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Baltimore, Maryland. June 17-19, 2005. Competitively selected presentation: Kent, P. & Frugé, E. The Emperor's New Clothes: Reflective Practice and Outcome Measurement in the Organization of Addictions Treatment.
Harvard-Macy Institute: Program for Physician Educators. Sponsored by Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education. Boston, Massachusetts. May 17, 2005. Competitively selected presentation: Drutz, J.E., Horowitz, M.E. & Frugé, E. Reflective Practice and Leadership in Primary Care Pediatrics: Using CME to Advance Practicioners’ and Educators’ Skills.
Cardiology Research Conference. Sponsored by the Baylor Heart Clinic, Department of Internal Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine. October 14, 2004. Invited presentation: Quinones, M.A., Ramasubbu, K. & Frugé, E. Learning for Leadership & the Core Competencies: Report on a Seminar in Reflective Practice for Cardiology Fellows.
Paediatric Society of New Zealand 57th Annual Scientific Meeting. Rotorua, New Zealand. October 12 - 15, 2004. Invited presentation: Drutz, J.E., Horowitz, M.E. & Frugé, E. Reflective Practice: Communication and Leadership in Difficult and Tragic Circumstances.
2004 Symposium of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Coesfeld, Germany. June 18-20, 2004. Competitively selected presentation: Frugé, E., Gold, S., Horowitz, M. & Long, S. Contributions of a Psychoanalytic Perspective on Organizations to Transformation in Medical Education: Scientific Thinking, Reflective Practice and Leadership.
End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium: Pediatric Palliative Care. Sponsored by Texas Children's Hospital. Houston, Texas. June 3, 2004. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. Communication in Pediatric Palliative Care.
Initiatives for Educator Development Journal Club. Sponsored by the Committee for the Development of Faculty Educators, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston & Committee for Educator Development Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. November 24, 2003. Invited address: Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M.D. Learning for Leadership: Training for Reflective Practice in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Beyond - Part 2.
Baylor College of Medicine Graduate Medical Education Committee. Houston, Texas. November 18, 2003. Invited address: Frugé, E., Horowitz, M.D. & Drutz, J.E. Learning for Leadership: Training for Reflective Practice - An Overture for Collaboration Across Specialties.
Fall Meeting of the Texas Center of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems. Houston, Texas. November 1, 2003. Invited address: Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M.D. Learning for Leadership: Training for Reflective Practice in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Beyond.
Initiatives for Educator Development Journal Club. Sponsored by the Committee for the Development of Faculty Educators, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston & Committee for Educator Development Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. October 27, 2003. Invited address: Frugé, E., Drutz, J.E. & Horowitz, M.D. Learning for Leadership: Training for Reflective Practice in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Beyond.
2nd Biennial Experience the Journey Symposium, The Clergy’s Faith Walk With a Child: Farther Down the Road. Sponsored by the Auxiliary to Texas Children's Hospital. Houston, Texas, October 15-17, 2003. Invited keynote address: Frugé, E., Hellsten, M.B. & Taylor, P. Compassion Fatigue Makes for Heavy Baggage: Providing Spiritual Support to Health Care Providers.
2nd Annual Research and Teaching Forum on Physician-Patient Communication. Sponsored by the American Academy on Physician and Patient. Baltimore, Maryland. October 9-11, 2003. Competitively selected presentation: Drutz, J.E., Franchek-Roa, K., Frugé, E., Haidet, P. & Horowitz, M. Communication and Leadership in Tragic Circumstances: The Challenges of Teaching and Measuring Reflective Practice.
Educational Scholars Fellowship Program Workshop. Reflective Practice in Education: The Role of Peers. Sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine in collaboration with The University of Texas Medical School at Houston and The University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston. Houston, Texas. October 3, 2003. Invited presentation: Horowitz, M., Drutz, J.E. & Frugé, E. Learning for Leadership: Training for Reflective Practice in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Beyond.
Texas CME ’03 Conference. San Antonio, Texas, June 19, 2003. Invited presentation: Fordis, M., North, S., King, J., Frugé, Hartley, T., Michael, S.M., Laufman, L. ACGME Core Competencies, ABMS Maintenance of Certification, and their Impact on the Evolution of CME.
Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics Journal Club. Houston, Texas, February 6, 2003. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Drutz, J. Learning for Leadership: Training for Reflective Practice in Pediatrics and Beyond.
28th Annual Conference of the Alliance for Continuing Medical Education. Dallas, Texas, January 29, 2003. Competitively selected presentation: Fordis, M., North, S., Frugé, E. & King, J. Exploring the Role and Value of Professional Competencies in Continuing Professional Development.
William Alanson White Institute. New York, New York. December 9, 2002. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. Interpreting the Challenges in Taking the Role of an Internal Consultant in an Academic Medical Setting.
Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Cardiology Section Research Conference. Houston, Texas, October 21, 2002. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Drutz, J. Learning for Leadership: Training for Reflective Practice.
Baylor College of Medicine, Academy of Distinguished Educators. Houston, Texas, October 2, 2002. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Drutz, J. Learning for Leadership: Training for Reflective Practice.
Baylor College of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education Committee. Houston, Texas, September 20, 2002. Invited presentation: Frugé, E. & Drutz, J. Methods and Outcomes: Training for Reflective Practice.
1999 Symposium of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 25.