
Vascular Anomalies Center

Treatment options


Texas Children’s Hospital has experts in all pediatric subspecialties involved in the treatment of vascular anomalies and coordination of care.

The whole spectrum of basic and advanced medical treatment and surgical interventions, endovascular procedures (sclerotherapy and embolization), and laser therapy are available at Texas Children’s Hospital. We provide inpatient and outpatient services at Texas Children’s Hospital Wallace Tower and Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus.

Compression. Compression garments or wraps may be used to decrease swelling and discomfort associated with some vascular malformations.

Anticoagulation. Anticoagulants, or “blood thinners,” may be helpful for some patients.

Investigational drug therapy. Our physicians actively conduct research to find new therapies for the treatment of vascular anomalies. In some cases, investigational drug therapies may be the best approach for treating your child’s condition.

Laser treatment. Laser treatments can be used in many instances to take care of a variety of conditions. Lasers can also be combined with other treatments for improved outcomes. The Texas Children’s Hospital vascular anomalies team uses several different lasers, some of which include:

Alexandrite laser – This laser is used for various vascular lesions, including pulsed dye laser (PDL)-resistant capillary malformations.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser – This laser is typically used for resurfacing or excision of mucosal lymphatic malformations.

Fraxel laser – A non-ablative Fraxel laser can be used for atrophic scars that are sunken or pitted. It can also be used on residual fibrofatty tissue. This is generally after involution or regression of thick hemangiomas.

Neodymium-doped Attrium Aluminium Garnet (Nd:YAG) laser – The Nd:YAG laser commonly treats venous malformations of the skin and mucosa (mouth, nose, airway, genitourinary tract).

Pulsed dye laser (PDL) - The PDL is used to lighten capillary malformations (Port-wine stains) or residual telangiectasias from involuting hemangiomas. It can also be used for superficial lymphatic malformations that are causing drainage.

Medical Therapy. Our experts use a complete spectrum of standard of care or experimental medical therapies

Physical / Occupational Therapy. Physical and occupational therapy play an important role in improving the range of motion in affected limbs and is a valued element of the supportive care offered to our patients. Texas Children's Hospital has certified therapists that perform “Complete Decongestive Therapy for Lymphedema” for pediatric patients from newborn to late adolescence.

Sclerotherapy. Under radiologic guidance, a variety of solutions can be injected into abnormal veins and/or lymphatics. These cause inflammation and scarring which can decrease the size of the malformation.

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is offered for specific patients with vascular anomalies. At Texas Children's Hospital, our gastrointestinal endoscopy team uses a comprehensive set of tools to effectively diagnose and treat specific vascular anomalies.  We offer argon plasma coagulation (APC), band ligation and other related techniques.

Surgery. In some cases, surgery may be the best option for vascular anomaly patients. At Texas Children's Hospital, our surgical team includes experts from ear, nose and throat (otolaryngology), plastic surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, and other specialties when needed.