

Donations are at the heart of the Vannie Cook Children's Clinic's mission. Donations can be contributed to the Vannie Cook clinic in a number of ways. For example, donations can be allocated for a specific cause, in honor of a patient, for research, or for the arts in medicine program, to name a few.


Vannie E. Cook Jr. Children's Cancer and Hematology Clinic volunteers are needed to supplement clinic services in a variety of ways. Volunteers make a difference to children, their families and the clinic staff every day of the year. Volunteers can be individuals or groups and organizations who volunteer on or off-site. On-site volunteers must be 15 or older, attend volunteer orientation and commit to at least 12 hours of volunteer service each month.

Propose an Event

Throughout the year, special events and fundraisers offer a fun way to make a thoughtful gift to The Vannie E. Cook Jr. Children’s Clinic. If you are interested in hosting an event, please contact Victoria Guerra at 832-828-1705 or 956-661-9840 or vamartin@texaschildrens.org.