
Duncan NRI In vivo Neurophysiology Core

<p>In vivo Neurophysiology Core</p>

This Core provides investigators with general in vivo neurophysiology services and intensive analyses of higher brain functions at the system level in various models of neurological disorders. The goal of this Core is to understand the functional impact of genetic manipulations observed in reduced preparations (e.g., cell culture and brain slices).

Core Services

• Electroencephalograms (EEG)

• Electromyogram (EMG)

• Deep brain stimulation (DBS)

 In vivo LTP in freely-moving mice

Core Director

Jianrong Tang, Ph.D.

Email: jtang1@bcm.edu or zwu@bcm.edu
Phone: 832-824-8866 


Zhenyu Wu, Core Manager (email: zwu@bcm.edu, phone; 832-824-8818)
Bin Tang, PhD
Qi Wang, PhD
Yilun Deng, MD

Core hours: Mon-Fri, 9 am - 6 pm
Core address: Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, N1065.15,
       1250 Moursund St., Houston, TX 77030

For technical, scheduling or pricing questions, please contact the Manager or the Core Director.

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