
Duncan NRI Rodent Neurobehavior Core

<p>Rodent Neurobehavior Core</p>

The Rodent Neurobehavior Core provides all Duncan NRI investigators with access to, and training on the use of, behavioral assays in mice. Specialized equipment enables computerized and automated assessment of learning and behavior. Located in the Duncan NRI vivarium, the Animal Behavioral Core comprises 19 testing rooms in approximately 2000 square feet of custom-designed space. 

Core Services

The Core performs most of the common rodent behavioral assays that measure -

  • Circadian activity
  • General locomotor activity
  • Motor coordination
  • Spatial learning and memory
  • Sensorimotor processes
  • Touch sensitivity 
  • General anxiety levels
  • Compulsive behaviors
  • Fear conditioning
  • Novel object recognition
  • Sociability and social novelty
  • Aggression, social stress and violence
  • and many other parameters

For technical and pricing questions, please contact the Core Director.

Core Director

 Surabi Veeraragavan, Ph.D., Director

Email:  veerarag@bcm.edu  
Phone: 713-798-6124

Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute,
1250 Moursund St., Suite 325.00
Houston, TX 77030

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