When planning temporary relocation to Houston for transplant, your family will want to talk to the social worker from your home-based hospital (or a social worker from Texas Children’s), look to families and friends for help and communicate with members of the Texas Children’s Hospital transplantation team.
Ask yourself these questions as you develop your plan:
Many families have to make difficult decisions about whether the entire family or part of the family will relocate to Houston.
Your social worker or the Texas Children’s Hospital social worker can help you research numerous lodging options. Many families choose to stay at the Houston-area Ronald McDonald House, which is approximately one mile from the Texas Medical Center. The Ronald McDonald House offers a home-away-from-home for families of children undergoing treatment at the Texas Medical Center and provides affordable rates and transportation to the medical center. Short-term lease apartments within two to three miles of the hospital also are available.
Many families who temporarily relocate to Houston reside with family or friends in the area. The emotional support from loved ones can be very important during the transplant process. In general, patients should remain within one hour of the hospital for the first few weeks after transplant or until clinical stability is established.
It is important to know what your insurance plan covers. Some insurance plans provide financial assistance for relocation.
It is important to contact your insurance provider to determine what provisions (e.g. oxygen and feeding supplies) will be covered upon relocation.
Housing and location
Your social worker or a Texas Children’s Hospital social worker can help you research lodging options. Many families choose to stay at the Houston-area Ronald McDonald House, which is about 1 mile from the Texas Medical Center. The Ronald McDonald House offers a home-away-from-home for families of children undergoing treatment at the Texas Medical Center and provides affordable rates and transportation to the medical center. Short-term lease apartments within 2 to 3 miles of the hospital also are available.
Some families who temporarily relocate to Houston reside with family or friends in the area. The emotional support from loved ones can be very important during the transplant process. In general, families should remain within 1 hour of the hospital for the first few weeks after transplant or until your team tells you that your child is clinically stable.
Check for insurance options
It’s important to know what your insurance plan covers. Some insurance plans provide financial assistance for relocation, lodging and living expenses. Also, contact your insurance provider to determine what services (such as oxygen and feeding supplies) will be covered upon relocation out of state.
Transplant Families’ mission is to unite families who have children with solid organ or bone marrow transplants by providing inspiration, support and education.