

The conditions we treat include, but aren’t limited to, the following:

An acquired brain injury is caused by trauma to the brain either during or after birth. These complex and long-term medical problems include anoxic injury, encephalitis, stroke, ADEM and tumors. Treatment options are based on specific factors including the severity and extent of neurological damage. 

Limb deficiency usually results when a child's limb does not completely form during pregnancy; however, a child’s limbs may also be damaged by trauma such as a motor vehicle accident. Whether to salvage the limp or amputate some portion of it is carefully considered based on factors such as how to best fit a prosthetic, musculature and blood supply.

The brachial plexus is the network of nerves that controls movement and sensation in the shoulder, arm, forearm and hand. When this network is injured, it can be impossible to move or feel these areas of the upper body. Treatment depends on the injury’s seriousness and may include physical therapy, splinting, botox shots and/or surgery. 

Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the  developing brain. Children with CP will have a varying degree of problems with movement and posture; many also have related conditions of intellectual disability, seizures, and spine or joint problems. No cure is available yet, but treatment can improve the lives of those who have the condition.

At different ages, children reach developmental milestones such as skills in thinking, socializing, movement and language. With mild, moderate or severe developmental delays, the child is not reaching the expecting milestones by a certain age. A precise diagnosis will determine the treatment protocol, which may include physical, occupational and behavioral therapy. 

Developmental disabilities are a group of conditions in children that result from an impairment in physical, learning, language or behavioral skills. These severe, long-term problems can be present at birth or develop over time. These conditions include autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and cerebral palsy. Treatment and therapeutic options depend on the disability and its level of severity.

Both cancer and its treatment cause functional issues that have physical, emotional and social effects. Physical effects include chronic pain, fatigue, nausea and weight loss. Emotional and social effects can be difficulty in facing the realities of the disease and reduced desire to socialize. Each type of effect will have specific treatment regimens.

Gait abnormalities, such as intoeing and outtoeing, are unusual ways of walking that many young children have as they master the art of walking. Most children will outgrow these irregularities without treatment. However, impaired mobility can be related to conditions such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophies, and brain and spinal cord injuries. The child’s team of specialists will provide treatment for the underlying problem. 

Guillain-Barré syndrome is a temporary disorder that harms the nerves, which can result in muscle weakness and even temporary muscle paralysis. The key to medically managing GBS is early detection. Because the condition can be life threatening, a child with GBS requires immediate hospitalization in the intensive care unit. The majority of children diagnosed with GBS experience a full recovery with no further complications. 

This decreased muscle tone, also known as floppy baby syndrome, generally indicates other conditions, such as muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy, with a progressive loss of muscle tone. This is a lifelong condition. Treating the symptoms can include physical, occupational, and speech therapies. 

Children with hypermobility have one or more joints that move beyond a normal range of motion. For most children, joint hypermobility will decrease with age, but others may have joint pain or instability and related problems. Treatment to treat pain and other symptoms as they arise may include medications and exercises to stabilize the joints. Surgery is rarely performed.

Multiple sclerosis is a complex disorder involving the immune system and central nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord and nerves. MS and other demyelinating diseases damage the myelin, which is the protective covering of nerves and nerve tissues. Ongoing, specialized care is necessary to relieve symptoms and help the child maintain the best possible health. 

Acute or chronic pain in the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and/or bones can be very debilitating for a child, affecting their daily activities. While the pain is often caused by minor injuries, it may also result from conditions such limb deficiency, musculoskeletal tumors, spina bifida, and brain and spinal cord injuries. Treatments will vary depending on the underlying issue. 

Spina bifida is characterized by the incomplete development of closure of the back over the spine and spinal cord. Treatment for the variety of effects of spina bifida may include surgery, medication and physiotherapy. Children may need assistive devices such as braces, crutches or wheelchairs. Ongoing therapy, medical care and/or surgical treatments may be necessary to prevent and manage complications throughout the child’s life. 

Problems with the nervous and muscular systems can cause a range of problems that can affect the nerves, the muscles or both. Commonly known conditions include various muscular dystrophies, neuromuscular junction disorders, neuropathies such as Guillain-Barre syndrome and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Symptoms get progressively worse but possibly can be managed with exercise, physical therapy, various medicines and/or surgery. 

Physical deconditioning is the weakening of a child’s body, including the musculoskeletal system and lung capacity, after a long period of inactivity such as extended bedrest due to illness or injury. Psychological problems such as depression and confusion can also result. Treatment for the underlying condition may help the child gain physical and mental strength.

This rare genetic disorder affects a child’s brain development and leads to severe impairment in language and motor skills as well as numerous behavioral, neurological and physical problems. Most children affected by Rett syndrome are girls. Treatment to relieve physical symptoms include occupational, speech and physical therapies. While no cure is currently available, people with Rett syndrome can live into middle age.

Spasticity is characterized by muscle tightness or stiffness that is caused when muscles don’t receive appropriate signals from the brain or spinal cord. This is commonly seen in conditions such as cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic and nontraumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation depends on the location of muscle involved, the severity of symptoms, and the goals for improving care and function. 

Because of the number of nerves held within the spinal cord, an injury to it can affect critical functions throughout the body including the loss of sensation and function in the lower half of the body (paraplegia) or from the chest down (quadriplegia). These are potentially life-threatening injuries. Call 911 if your child has a spinal cord injury. It’s likely they will be hospitalized and a treatment plan created. 

Pediatric strokes are due to an injury to the brain that can affect the child’s ability to move, speak and think. Strokes are caused by an interruption of blood flow to the brain either due to bleeding (hemorrhagic) or a lack of oxygen due to an obstruction (ischemic). Call 911 if your child is having a stroke. Immediate treatment in the ER will be followed by creation of a long-term care plan. 

Torticollis is a condition characterized by a turned and tilted head and neck that children have difficulty moving. Torticollis can appear temporarily and go away again. Different types of torticollis may have different symptoms of neck and head placement relationships. Types of torticollis include acquired, congenital and traumatic. In about 90% of babies, muscular torticollis improves during the first year of life. 

This rare and serious disorder involves the inflammation of the spinal cord. The inflammation can damage myelin (the protective covering of nerves and nerve tissues), which ultimately can affect a child’s ability to move or feel. Initial treatments steps will be to control the inflammation. Further treatment and rehabilitation depend on the extent of nerve damage and how early the child was first treated.

Traumatic brain injury disrupts the normal function of the brain, and can be caused by a blow or jolt to the head, or a related injury. Concussion is a type of brain injury. An injury of any severity to the developing brain can disrupt a child’s development and ability to function in school, at home and in social situations. Injuries need to be immediately evaluated by medical professionals.