Texas Children's Global Health The Program for Immigrant and Refugee Child Health (PIRCH)

What if we could provide every child living with HIV and their family an opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilled life?
Give to PIRCH
Thank you for supporting the Program for Immigrant and Refugee Child Health (PIRCH) at Texas Children’s Hospital. By specifying “PIRCH” in the designation box, your gift will help us improve the health of immigrant and refugee children.
Our Mission

PIRCH at Texas Children’s Hospital aims to improve the health of immigrant and refugee children by promoting clinical excellence and eliminating barriers to care.
The Challenge

In the United States, 25% of children live in immigrant families, which means they are foreign born or have at least one foreign-born parent.

Immigration is a Social Determinant of Health.
Half of children in immigrant families live in low-income households.
Children in immigrant families are twice as likely to be uninsured than children with US-born parents, making them more likely to have unmet healthcare needs.
Our Approach

Access To Health Services
PIRCH connects immigrant children in need of care to medical homes and subspecialty services throughout the Houston region.
Quality of Care
PIRCH provides tools to help pediatric practitioners deliver evidence-based, high quality care that is tailored to the unique circumstances of immigrant children.
Community Collaboration and Awareness
PIRCH bridges academia with community organizations to create a continuum of health services for immigrant children.
Education of Health Professionals and Trainees
PIRCH develops and implements teaching materials on immigrant child health for medical professionals at all levels.
Translational Research
PIRCH conducts studies to inform new initiatives related to its above priority areas as well as monitors and evaluates its ongoing projects to ensure high impact results.
Learn more about PIRCH's clinical resources and scholarly activity
Our Team
Executive Committee
Padma Swamy, MD, MPH, FAAP