
Kidney Transplant Program

Evaluation Process

When your child is referred to Texas Children’s Kidney Transplant Program, the first step is a thorough evaluation with one of our expert pediatric nephrologists, or kidney doctors. This evaluation period is a crucial step to determine whether your child needs a transplant or another more suitable treatment. Testing may take place while your child is in the hospital or on an outpatient basis, based on your child’s medical condition.

What to expect

The pre-transplant evaluation requires close to three days of consultations and testing. Generally, the evaluation consists of the following tests:

Blood tests Child life specialist evaluation Cluster test and Cluster Evalation Teams Dentist (insurance dependent) Echocardiogram, Ultrasound of Vessels/CT Angiogram Electrocardiogram (EKG) Infectious disease evaluation Immune system evaluation Kidney ultrasound Nutrition evaluation Social work evaluation Transplant coordinator evaluation Urine and stool studies Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) X-rays Other Subspecialties Evaluation
Blood tests Cluster test and Cluster Evalation Teams Echocardiogram, Ultrasound of Vessels/CT Angiogram Infectious disease evaluation Kidney ultrasound Social work evaluation Urine and stool studies X-rays Child life specialist evaluation Dentist (insurance dependent) Electrocardiogram (EKG) Immune system evaluation Nutrition evaluation Transplant coordinator evaluation Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) Other Subspecialties Evaluation
Blood tests Cluster test and Cluster Evalation Teams Echocardiogram, Ultrasound of Vessels/CT Angiogram Infectious disease evaluation Kidney ultrasound Social work evaluation Urine and stool studies X-rays Child life specialist evaluation Dentist (insurance dependent) Electrocardiogram (EKG) Immune system evaluation Nutrition evaluation Transplant coordinator evaluation Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) Other Subspecialties Evaluation

Medical Review Board

Once your child is approved by the Medical Review Board, the last step in the evaluation process is placing them on the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) waitlst for transplant. UNOS is an organization that coordinates the efforts of organ procurement organizations, which include transplant hospitals and specialty labs that measure organ compatibility. Together, they help match viable donated organs with the right recipients.

You’ll be notified of a decision after the meeting by the transplant coordinator and by letter from the review board.