1 year seizure free: Brynleigh's tuberous sclerosis story
Diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis when she was 9 months old, Brynleigh suffered from multiple seizures a day. After trying several anti-seizure medications, Brynleigh’s parents were told her best chance at treatment would be brain surgery.
At three weeks old, Luke was diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis. As a result of his disease, he experienced frequent seizures that affected his development and safety. Luke was referred to Texas Children’s Neuroscience Center for laser ablation surgery in hopes of stopping his seizures.
At three months old, Aiden was diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis. After trying numerous anti-epileptic medications, Aiden’s parents opted for laser ablation surgery to treat his constant seizures.
Matthew’s story: Functional hemispherectomy surgery
Due to a stroke in utero, Matthew began having seizures that were atypical and long lasting. His team of neurologists recommended a functional hemispherectomy to disconnect the damaged hemisphere. Today, Matthew is a thriving college student who is seizure free.
Aiden's fight against tuberous sclerosis and epilepsy
Four months into her pregnancy, Aiden’s mother was devastated to learn that her unborn baby had heart tumors, which often indicates tuberous sclerosis. At two years of age, Aiden’s development began to regress. In 2013, Aiden participated in a clinical trial through the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, which proved to be highly effective against his severe epilepsy.