Established in 1994 as a cooperative effort between the Meyer Center for Developmental Pediatrics and the Texas Children's Newborn Center, the Desmond Clinic provides long-term developmental monitoring for high-risk infants discharged from the Texas Children's Hospital neonatal nursery, including former premature babies and babies who experienced neonatal complications.
Clinic visits include a neurodevelopmental assessment with a developmental pediatrician and a social work consult to provide support for families as the child progresses through the early intervention and educational systems.
Referrals to other medical specialists (ophthalmology, audiology, neurosurgery, neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitiation) and other allied health disciplines (developmental psychology, speech/language pathology, occupational therapy, and physical therapy) are made as needed. Referrals to community resources are also made to best meet the needs of the child and family.