A hospital stay can affect many areas of your family’s daily life. These tips can help you and your family cope during your child’s stay at Texas Children’s.
Partner with your health care team
Try to be present when clinical staff members visit your child’s room. This will help you understand your child’s medical condition, plan of care and discharge goals. It will also give you a chance to ask questions and learn what to expect each step of the way. It is helpful to write down your questions and keep notes.
Hospital stays are stressful, and you may feel more tired than usual. Try to rest as much as you can. Quick naps can help you physically and emotionally.
Try going for a walk or finding an activity to help relieve stress. The Children’s Garden (West Tower, Level 4) and the Merle C. Donigan Play Garden (Abercrombie Building, Level 1) are great places to unwind. Explore one of the many sights of Houston area outside the hospital. For a list of area attractions, contact Guest Services at 832-824-STAR (7827).
As much as possible, maintain a normal routine during your child’s hospital stay. Try to keep your usual waking and sleeping schedule and stay involved with familiar activities. Consider bringing a few things from home that are comforting to you and your child.
Reach out
Talking with others can help you deal with your stress and emotions. Ask the social worker on your unit about support groups and other resources.