24/7 availability for compassionate care: providing listening, inspiration, expressions of hope, assistance with weighing medical decisions and values, encouragement and hope.
Religious Rituals and Observances
Blessings and Prayer
Holy Communion; Sacrament of the Sick
Naming Service
Muslim Prayer Rugs
Shabbat Candles
Assistance contacting Local Community Clergy/Faith Leaders
Religious Literature
Christian Bibles: English/Spanish/Children’s
Book of Mormon
Baghavad Gita
Self-Guided Meditation Handouts
Community Clergy Request
When you or your child are in the hospital it is important to us that you are able to experience the support of your own faith community. Clergy are welcome to visit by invitation of the family when a loved one is in the hospital. Please follow the same guidelines as for any other visitor. Our staff chaplains are available to assist them with resources or any special needs during their visit with you. Please have your nurse page the unit chaplain or the chaplain on call.
If you need assistance with contacting community clergy from your own faith group please ask your nurse to page the chaplain on call.