The Children's Chapel at Texas Children’s Hospital provides a unique retreat for families, patients and staff to pray, meditate, attend religious services or simply be alone with their thoughts. The Chapel is open to the diverse faiths and cultures of those who come to Texas Children's. It has no permanent altar or religious artifact. Religious symbols may be brought into the Chapel for faith-specific services.
The child-friendly, interfaith Chapel was designed with help from young patients and their families. Children drew pictures and wrote essays about their ideas of what a chapel should be. The concept of using an oval for its design was introduced in a drawing by the sisters of a Texas Children's patient.
Applying nature and light as its central feature, the Children’s Chapel evokes a sense of spirituality for all faiths. Its shape represents wholeness, the infinite love of God, eternity, timelessness and inclusiveness.
The Chapel ceiling creates the illusion of a changing sky, moving in a 12-minute cycle from dawn to midday to the twinkle of nighttime stars. Dawn represents new beginnings, illumination and hope, as well as birth, rebirth and awakening. The dark night sky suggests rest, repose and the regathering of strength.
On Sept. 11, 2002, the "Tree of Hope," was introduced into the Chapel to mark the 1st anniversary of terrorist attacks. Since that time, the tree holds written prayers from Texas Children's families, patients and staff. Tying prayers to the tree's branches has become a ritual of hope and healing.
Regular services are scheduled in the Children’s Chapel and during major holy days. Periodic healing and wholeness services also are offered. Other services, such as Blessing of the Hands and Blessing of the (Toy) animals are held at various locations throughout the year. If you would like to schedule a visit from a chaplain or religious service, please contact the Spiritual Care Department at 832-824-7223 or through the Texas Children's operator.
Schedules of services and other events are posted outside the Chapel and on Channel 18 of Texas Children's TV.
Our chapel is located near The Auxiliary Bridge on the 3rd floor of the West Tower, directly across from the admitting offices.