Make sure you meet all of your insurance company’s requirements for you to see a specialist.
Collect your most recent MRI or X-rays (preferably on a CD if available), growth chart, immunization records, and any other test results relating your condition. Make sure to bring these to your first appointment.
Collect any forms required by your school and/or daycare.
The Day of Your Appointment
Make sure all pertinent documents and information is on hand before leaving for your appointment.
You must arrive on time. We recommend allowing about 30 minutes to park and find your way to the clinic. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your appointment will be canceled and you will need to reschedule.
Important: If your first visit takes place at Texas Children’s Hospital's Medical Center campus, allow plenty of time to park and find your way to Wallace Tower.
When You Arrive
Medical Center
Wallace Tower (located at 6710 Fannin Street, Houston, TX, 77030) offers valet parking and self-parking at several TMC garages near or beneath Texas Children’s Hospital buildings:
Garage 12 (under the West Tower, entrance via Fannin St.)
6621 Fannin St., Houston, TX, 77030
Garage 16 (Under the Wallace Tower, entrance via Fannin St. to Bates)
6701 Fannin St., Houston, TX, 77030
Garage 21 (Under the Pavilion for Women and Legacy Tower)
6651 Main St., Houston, TX, 77030
Texas Medical Center Garage 2
6720 Bertner Ave mc2270, Houston, TX 77030
For more information on valet parking, garage parking, and directions to the Medical Center, click here.
West Campus
West Campus offers 3 designated free self-parking areas. For more information on parking and directions to West Campus, click here.
The Woodlands
The Woodlands offers self-parking at the onsite parking garage. For more information on parking and directions to The Woodlands Outpatient Building, click here.
Specialty Care – Clear Lake
The Clear Lake location offers self-parking at the onsite parking lot. For directions to the center, click here.
Specialty Care – Cy-Fair
The Cy-Fair location offers self-parking at the onsite parking lot. For directions to the center, click here.
Specialty Care – Sugar Land
The Sugar Land location offers self-parking at the onsite parking lot. For directions to the center, click here.
Specialty Care – Austin
The Austin location offers self-parking at the onsite parking garage. For directions to the center, click here.
During Your Visit
A typical Rheumatology consultation will take about 1 to 2 hours for a new patient, and about 30 to 60 minutes for returning patients.
After Your Visit
After one of our providers has seen you, please be sure that…
Additional testing and follow-up appointment are scheduled
Prescriptions for new medication or refills are sent
School and/or daycare forms are completed and signed