

Conditions We Treat


Acne results from hair follicles clogged by inflamed sebaceous glands and is most common during puberty. The goal of treatment is to minimize scarring and improve appearance. Moderate acne can be treated with topical medications; oral drugs are used for severe, cystic or inflammatory acne.

This chronic skin disorder causes the skin to itch, turn red and flake. It usually appears in babies or very young children. There are excellent regimens to minimize itching and inflammation of the skin, moisturize the skin and prevent infection, including antihistamines, topical and oral steroids, and immunosuppressive agents.

Skin growths vary in size, texture and degrees of disorder. They include benign growths such as freckles, dermatofibromas, dermoid cysts and lipomas. Atypical moles should be seen by a dermatologist to see if they indicate skin cancer.

These areas of discolored and/or raised skin are usually apparent at birth but sometimes may not be apparent until months or years of life. Although the cause of birthmarks is not known, most do not require treatment. Babies with birthmarks should be examined and by a doctor to see if they indicate an underlying medical issue.

A blister is a bump that forms underneath the skin containing clear or bloody fluid. Blisters can be caused by such things as burns/scalds and sunburns. Because blisters can also be caused by more serious concerns such as contagious bullous impetigo, viral infections and rare genetic conditions, consult your child's physician.

Diaper dermatitis refers to different skin rashes in the diapered area caused by problems such as irritation and yeast infection. The red and scaling rash is commonly seen in infants between the ages of 9 and 12 months. The symptoms of diaper dermatitis may resemble other skin conditions. Consult your child's doctor for a diagnosis and treatment regimen.

Drug rashes are mild to severe reactions to certain medications and will usually clear up if the medications are stopped. Treatment may include corticosteroids, antihistamines and epinephrine for anaphylaxis. However, allergic reactions can be serious and even fatal. If your child has acute symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, tightness in the throat or chest and vomiting, call 911.

Fifth disease is a moderately contagious viral illness caused by the human parvovirus B19 that commonly exhibits as a rash on the child's cheeks and body. Treatment for a mild case may include drinking more fluids, antihistamines and appropriate pain relief for children. However, the infection may cause severe anemia in children with sickle-cell disease or weakened immune systems, which will require further medical attention. 

Bites from fleas, mites, and chiggers may create small, raised skin lesions that itch. Note: allergic-type reactions will occur in hypersensitive children. Call the doctor if your child has persistent pain or itching, signs of infection at the site and fever. Call 911 if your child has signs of a severe allergic reaction such as trouble breathing, hives and/or nausea and vomiting.

Folliculitis, boils and carbuncles are caused by bacteria, most commonly Staphylococcus aureus (staph). Folliculitis is inflammation of hair follicles. Boils are pus-filled lesions that are painful and usually firm; carbuncles are clusters of boils connected under the skin. Treatment may include oral or intravenous antibiotics to treat the infection.

This painful skin rash is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which also causes chickenpox. The incidence of herpes zoster occurring in children is low, but children who have weak immune systems may experience severe symptoms. Over-the-counter pain relievers may be helpful; your child’s health care provider may prescribe antiviral drugs that may help lessen the symptoms’ duration and severity. 

Impetigo is a superficial infection of the skin caused by bacteria. The lesions are often in groups and have a red base and a honey color. Impetigo is contagious and can be spread throughout a household, with children reinfecting themselves or other family members. Treatment may include oral or topical antibiotics.

Lice are tiny insects that can infest the skin and cause intense itching. Children generally have head lice; adults can also have lice on the body and pubic area. Lice are highly contagious but are treatable, usually by application of a medicated cream rinse or shampoo and removal of nits (eggs) from the hair with a fine-tooth comb.

This viral disease causes small pink or skin-colored bumps on a child's skin that contain a contagious virus. It is not harmful and usually does not have any other symptoms. These bumps usually clear over months or years but may leave residual scarring. Topical medications may speed resolution of the lesions; removal treatments include cryotherapy (freezing) or curretage (scraping).

This mild skin condition is characterized by ovoid, scaly, pink rash that can last from one to three months and usually leaves no lasting marks. Symptoms resolve on their own. Topical treatment such as medicated lotions are used to relieve itching.

This is an allergic reaction to contact with oily substances contained in a group of plants called poison ivy that usually results in contact dermatitis. The resulting rash may occur several hours, days or weeks after exposure, sometimes after the second exposure. The best treatment is to make sure your child avoids the plants. If your child inhaled smoke from a burning poisonous plant, notify your doctor. 

Scabies is caused by an infestation of mites that burrow into the skin. This highly contagious condition is characterized by small red bumps and intense itching that will continue for many weeks after the initial treatment. 

This condition on an infant’s scalp and body is characterized by greasy scaling that may overlie a red rash. Seborrheic dermatitis usually clears within the first year of life. Treatments that are usually effective in helping symptoms may include rubbing the scalp with baby or mineral oil, prescription shampoo and a topical corticosteroid.

Skin pigment disorders result from problems with melanin. Disorders include albinism for which there is no cure and vitiligo, a chronic autoimmune disorder that has numerous treatments including medicines or medicated skin creams.

This syndrome is a response to a toxin produced by a staphylococcal infection and is characterized by peeling skin. It mostly affects infants, young children and individuals with a depressed immune system or renal insufficiency. Rarely, the disease can be life-threatening. Treatment usually requires hospitalization for IV antibiotics, fluids and close observation.

Sunburn is visible damage to the skin from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation or UV light sources, which can also cause invisible damage to the skin. Children over 6 months – especially those with fair skin, freckles or moles, or have a family history of skin cancer – should stay out of the sun in the middle of the day, wear a SPF 30 or higher sunscreen and wear protective clothing. 

This fungal skin infection has ring-shaped, red, scaly patches with clearing centers. Treatment for ringworm on the scalp (tinea capitis) typically includes oral antifungal medication and use of a special shampoo. Treatment for ringworm of the body will usually also include a topical agent. 

Tinea versicolor is a common condition caused by yeast on the skin characterized by lighter or darker patches most often found on the upper chest or back. Treatment includes antifungal or dandruff shampoo and/or topical creams or oral antifungal medications.

This life-threatening skin disorder causes the skin to peel in sheets, leaving large, raw areas. The loss of skin allows fluids and salts to ooze from the raw, damaged areas and increases the risk of infection. The disease progresses quickly, usually within three days. Treatment includes hospitalization, often in the burn unit. 

Warts are noncancerous skin growths caused by different papillomavirus types. Warts can spread to other parts of the body and to other people. Warts in children often disappear without treatment, which if necessary may include application of salicylic acid, freezing with liquid nitrogen and/or application of electrical current to destroy the wart.