
Craniofacial Clinic

Treatment Options

We offer a scope of options for treating craniofacial disorders. Depending on your child’s diagnosis, treatment could range from long-term monitoring to surgery.

The physicians in the Craniofacial Program will recommend surgery only if it is in the best interest of your child. We will also inform you of all treatment options available and why we recommend one treatment over another.

Some of the options your physician may suggest are:

About 1 in 2,000 infants are born with craniosynostosis, which in some cases, can cause serious issues with development. It is best to seek evaluation and treatment with a team of experienced specialists from a variety of fields, such as the multidisciplinary team at Texas Children’s Hospital. Surgery is often recommended. We offer advanced treatment procedures and leading-edge techniques such endoscopic surgery, distraction osteogenesis, and use of resorbable implants.

Children’s facial defects can range from simple to complex and often involve facial bone structures that may be underdeveloped, malformed or totally absent. Facial surgery can help restore form and function in children with facial bone, nerve and muscle disorders.

Facial surgery often includes correcting undeveloped bones, nerve repair, nerve transfer, muscle transfer and microsurgical nerve transplantation. This type of surgery will help children have enhanced control and fuller range of facial expressions.

Surgery of the jaw may be recommended when a child experiences a jaw injury or clearly shows signs of problems with facial development, which may be an isolated growth problem. Often requiring multiple operations and bone grafting, the corrective process usually involves moving one or both jaws to a more normal position. The patient may receive orthodontic treatment simultaneously, and the combined therapy is carefully coordinated with all other aspects of the patient’s care.

Distraction osteogenesis is a surgical procedure used to reconstruct craniofacial skeletal deformities. This surgery is an effective way to grow new bone and allow soft tissue growth to accumulate in the new skeletal structure. We are experienced in treating children of all ages with distraction osteogenesis and tailor the care of the child to treat the specific condition