Cardiology Transition Medicine Program

The nation's #1 heart center
Proud to be ranked the best children’s heart center in the country by U.S. News & World Report for eight consecutive years.
Preparing you for the next step
A trained nurse and social worker will conduct a needs assessment and create an individualized learning plan specific to your needs and knowledge gaps. You’ll learn about:
Transition policy
Starting at age 14, our team of doctors and educators works to prepare you to transition to adult care around age 20.
We’re committed to helping you make a smooth transition from pediatric to adult health care. Our unique transition program serves adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) by performing individualized evaluations that reveal individual needs surrounding CHD knowledge and disease management skills. We then teach you to better understand your specific type of CHD and practice the skills needed to manage your CHD in an adult setting. You will be able to meet an adult congenital cardiologist, and when it is time for you to transition, our team facilitates communication between your old and new cardiologists and creates a concise medical summary for your adult providers.