Texas Children's Global Health Baylor Foundation Malawi

At a Glance

Notable Programs

Tingathe, which means “together we can” in Chichewa, supports the MoH to provide comprehensive HIV services throughout Malawi in an effort to achieve the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets. The Tingathe program is implemented under the Technical Support for PEPFAR Programs in Southern Africa (TSP) project, a five-year (2016-2021) bilateral cooperative agreement between Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation Malawi and the USAID Malawi. The Tingathe Program, in collaboration with MoH, charts a clear course towards management of HIV/AIDS response in Malawi through focused capacity building and service delivery aimed at achieving HIV epidemic control. In addition, the program continues to assist MOH and influence national health policies to improve pediatric and adult HIV and TB care and treatment services in Malawi. The program tested 464,776 clients for HIV from Oct 2019-Mar 2020.
Pediatric Surgery
Baylor Foundation Malawi provides pediatric surgery services at KCH through provision of a full time pediatric surgeon, Dr. Bip Nandi. Dr. Nandi is a pediatric surgeon from the United Kingdom working at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) in Lilongwe since 2016. Slowly the service at KCH grew to about 600 general anaesthetic cases a year. This was not sustainable and the need was recognized to train local specialist pediatric surgical teams, surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses. From January to the end of August 2020, 283 cases in the operating room were logged. In 2019, the surgery program was partially accredited by College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa as a training center for pediatric surgery. In January 2020, our first trainee started.
Maternal Health
Baylor Foundation Malawi established a public private partnership with the Malawi MoH to collaboratively run the Area 25 Hospital in Lilongwe, Malawi. In 2013, a maternity waiting home was built with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and then the project was expanded upon with philanthropic and institutional funding to develop a maternity unit, a four-room operating theatre suite and recently, a new maternity extension. As a result, demand for services at Area 25 has increased to over 7,000 deliveries per year.
Baylor Foundation Malawi is part of a consortium known by its acronym PACHIMAKE, the Pediatric Health Alliance for Child Health Improvement in Malawi at Kamuzu Central Hospital, which is also a Chichewa word meaning “the heart of the matter.” The goal is to improve the care of acutely ill children at KCH through implementation of effective, coordinated, high-quality clinical, educational, quality improvement and research initiatives. During the reporting period, six pediatric emergency medicine fellows from TCH worked at KCH for one month rotations, and four pediatric emergency medicine attendings spent eight months working at KCH.
Global HOPE
Global HOPE Malawi provides inpatient and outpatient care for children with cancers and blood disorders at Kamuzu Central Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi. Since 2016 more than 700 children have been diagnosed with childhood cancer and received treatment in Malawi, through Global HOPE. More than 1,000 health care workers in Malawi have been trained on the recognition of childhood cancers.
Patient Story

(Nkhwazi Health Centre - Mchinji) Ketrina, a 14-year-old girl, is a victim of a divorced family for years now. She stays with her mother and stepfather who is financially unstable. The teen lacks good parental care and support as her stepfather always insults her and publicly discloses her HIV status around. Ketrina struggles with her adherence because of her home condition and reactions from community around. She has gone through a number of Intensive Adherence Counselling (IAC) sessions after joining Teen Club and home visits. Both parents were engaged during Guardian Sessions forums. These interventions helped to improve the home environment and her adherence to medication. Ketrina continues in care and is happily attending Teen Club monthly.
“It is through guardian sessions that my parents and more especially my father were engaged and opened up and now my home environment has changed for the better and thanks to the teen club. I am now happy and my health has improved.”
Leadership & Partnerships
Phoebe Nyasulu, M.B.A.
Executive Director
Mrs. Mary Maere
Finance and Administration Director
Dr. Amos Msekandiana
Medical Director
Mr. Joseph Mhango
Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Director
Dr. Jeffrey Wilkinson
Maternal Health Director
Prof. Ronald Mataya
Maternal Health Co-Director
Mr. David Stobbelaar
Tingathe CORE Deputy Chief of Party
Miss Martha Henderson
Tingathe CORE Operations Director
- AbbVie Foundation
- Malawi Government, through Ministry of Health
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Paediatric Texas Children’s Hospital
- ActionAid
- Airborne Lifeline Foundation
- Positive Action for Children Fund (FACF)
- Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
- Direct Relief International
Annual Reports
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