
Viral Hepatitis Program 

<p>Viral Hepatitis Program </p>

Hepatitis B (HBV) alone is a major global health problem with 400 million carriers worldwide. Over 2 million are chronically infected in the U.S and one third of chronic HBV infections in the U.S. start in early childhood. It is also estimated that 5 million children and adolescents worldwide have hepatitis C (HCV). Without treatment, patients may develop cirrhosis of the liver.

Hepatitis B (HBV) alone is a major global health problem with 400 million carriers worldwide. Over 2 million are chronically infected in the U.S and one third of chronic HBV infections in the U.S. start in early childhood. It is also estimated that 5 million children and adolescents worldwide have hepatitis C (HCV). Without treatment, patients may develop cirrhosis of the liver.

The Viral Hepatitis Program has established itself as a national leader in this area with important contributions to both clinical guidelines and a variety of research publications. In close collaboration with patient families since 2010, the Viral Hepatitis Program at Texas Children's Hospital has successfully conducted and completed 7 clinical pediatric trials, studying the safety and effectiveness of nucleos(t)ide analogues (NA’s) and direct acting antivirals (DAA’s) in children and adolescents with chronic hepatitis B and C. This has contributed to the FDA’s fast tracking of several recent DAA’s in children. 

While viral hepatitis A through E are the most well known causes of hepatitis, in 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization have reported more than 300 cases from over 20 countries of severe hepatitis in children in which 50-75% are adenovirus positive. The outstanding team of hepatologists at Texas Children’s Hospital are experienced in caring for children affected by severe hepatitis caused by adenovirus or any other virus.

Our mission is to prevent the progression of chronic or devastating disease in its earliest stages and provide hope to children and families. Early diagnosis and timely treatment of viral hepatitis can prevent the development of cancer, cirrhosis, liver failure or the need for liver transplantation for these children.

The program provides language services representing over 30 countries, and clinicians and staff focus on patient education, prevention, monitoring and treatment.