

Newborn Physical and Occupational Therapy

Helping your baby’s development

Texas Children’s is proud to offer physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) for newborns. Common reasons why your doctor may recommend PT or OT for your newborn include prematurity, neurological or respiratory concerns, cardiac disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, neural tube defects, cleft palate or orthopedic or skeletal disorders.

Our physical and occupational therapists work with babies to assess motor skills, muscle tone, reflexes and state regulation (a baby’s ability to manage their level of response to stimuli). They’ll provide therapy to ensure continued development of motor and sensory skills. In addition, our therapists can teach you about your infant’s development, proper positioning and tummy time and help you with coping skills and reading your baby’s stress cues. We encourage parents to observe and take part in treatment sessions.

Babies who have difficulty eating may receive an OT consultation to evaluate feeding and make recommendations for specific nipples/bottles and feeding techniques that might be helpful in feeding your baby.

Talk with your neonatologist for more information about PT and OT services.