What is a Bravo pH test?
The test involves a miniature pH capsule, about the size of a gel cap that is placed on the wall of your child’s esophagus. The capsule measures the pH (acid level) in the esophagus and transmits the information to a receiver about the size of pager that is worn around the waist. You will be given a diary to write down the times your child has reflux symptoms (coughing, heartburn, regurgitation), eats meals or is lying down.
How do I prepare my child?
Your child may have clear liquids up until 2 hours before the procedure (this includes water, apple juice, Gatorade, (NOT ORANGE JUICE) and a light meal 6 hours before the procedure. Please do not allow your child to eat or drink at all for 2 hours before the test.
How is the test performed?
Your child’s doctor will place the capsule in your child’s esophagus during an endoscopy in the GI Procedure Suite (Suite A-280 located in second floor of the Abercrombie Building). Your child will be given the receiver to capture the capsule’s information.
After placing the capsule monitoring may last up to 96 hours. The receiver and diary MUST be returned at the end of the recording period or the test cannot be completed.
Can my child eat normally during the testing?
Your child may eat and drink normally after the capsule is placed. Several days after the test the capsule will naturally fall off the wall of the esophagus, pass through your child’s digestive tract and be eliminated from the body in a bowel movement.
What do we do after the test is complete?
After the test is complete, you will return the diary and the Bravo receiver to the GI Procedure Suite (GIPS). The information is then uploaded to a computer, which will provide a comprehensive report for your doctor to review.
Who do I contact for any further questions?
If you have any further questions or need to reschedule, please contact your Texas Children’s Hospital gastroenterology provider on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
After hours, call the hospital page operator at (832) 824-2099, and ask for the GI fellow on call.