
About Us For Vendors

An Update on Ordering

Effective February 1, 2023, all purchases of goods and services made by the entire Texas Children's Organization will require a valid Purchase Order or Purchase Order Number before the purchase is authorized. A valid Texas Children’s Purchase Order Number is a 10-digit number that begins with a P-. Example: (P-##########). All invoices sent to Texas Children’s will require a valid Purchase Order Number to be referenced on the invoice and the name of the Texas Children’s employee who requested the goods or services.

Please do not accept any orders, regardless of the method submitted to you, or perform any services for Texas Children’s prior to obtaining a valid Purchase Order or Purchase Order Number. In addition, do not allow any orders for additional goods or services that are not included on the Purchase Order provided to you. Failure to adhere to this policy, at a minimum, will cause significant delay in payment and depending on the circumstances, may result in the return of product and denial of payment.

EDI- Electronic Data Interchange is a system using a standardized format by exchanging documents from one company to another electronically; a process to eliminate traditional business communication. Business entities conducting business electronically are trading partners that agreed to utilize our EDI program.  

EDI suppliers – should send credit memos only to invoicesubmission@texaschildrens.org.

All Non EDI Suppliers sending invoices/credits to Texas Children’s for payment MUST be sent to invoicesubmission@texaschildrens.org, only one invoice per PDF attachment is allowed.  Invoices must have the following:

  • Texas Children’s PO number on the header of the invoice with a 10-digit number that begins with a P-.
  • Name of the Texas Children’s employee who requested the goods or services.

The new Supplier Self- Service Portal allows a user to:

  • Communicate directly through the self-service portal with your Texas Children’s partners.
  • Access payment information, RFP’s/RFI’s, purchase orders, and agreements.
  • Access their organization’s information based on the role(s) assigned to their user account in the supplier portal. *Access to secure information is role-based.
  • Review activity and transactions that require attention in one place.

Existing Vendors: If  you are an existing vendor and need access to the portal, please send an email to vendormaintenance@texaschildrens.org including the Name, Email, and Job Title for the person(s) requiring access.

New Vendors: If you are not currently doing business with TCH, but have been in talks with a TCH team member on a potential business deal, please have contact oraclevendorsupport@texaschildrens.org to request the Supplier Portal registration link to get your company registered.

Green Security Registration

Texas Children’s Hospital has implemented a vendor program that includes a series of strict policies aimed at better managing the rising complexity of regulatory compliance issues. The policies were developed with patient safety in mind and will enforce protocols for a more professional and consistent relationship with vendors.

All active vendors that are required to be onsite must register in order to continue doing business with Texas Children’s Hospital. There is an annual fee for vendor registration which is per representative that is required to be onsite. The actual fee is determined by the hospital based on the vendor’s risk profile. We expect all vendors who interact with us to register and provide his/her representative details.

If you have questions or require technical assistance in completing the registration, please contact Green Security at 866-750-3373 or support@greensecurityllc.com.  

Contact Us

We appreciate your assistance in this process that will assure prompt payment to your company. If you have any questions, please contact us at APcustomerservice@texaschildrens.org . Allow 24-48 hours for our team to respond back.

For PO inquiries contact Purchasing at purchasinghelpdesk@texaschildrens.org

Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions