The goal of the Renal Laboratory at Texas Children's Hospital is to understand the mechanisms of kidney disease and to determine the best diagnostic and management strategies for the care of children with kidney diseases. We do this with a combination of basic science, translational, and clinical research projects. We collaborate with other researchers in Pediatrics and other disciplines at Baylor College of Medicine and around the world. Finally, we aim to train the next generation of scientists and physicians. We strive to create an environment that is conducive to learning and testing new skills.
The mission of the basic science laboratory is two-fold: 1) to understand how the role of immune complex receptors and resident kidney cells in autoimmune kidney diseases, 2) to understand the influence of genetic variability on kidney and urinary tract development and the progression of chronic kidney disease.
The aims of our translational research are to 1) bring findings and ideas from one of the largest pediatric heath care centers in North America (Texas Children's Hospital) to the basic science laboratory, and 2) to apply the scientific discovery of Texas Medical Center investigators to find ways to improve the care of children with kidney disease.
The ultimate goal of our clinical research group is to better diagnose and manage patients with childhood-onset kidney disease.