Why is the vaginal birth after cesarean rate important?
At the Pavilion for Women, we work hard to support your healthcare choices. Preventing avoidable cesareans helps to promote a lower overall cesarean rate, which can mean fewer complications, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery times for mothers. It was once thought that if a woman had one cesarean delivery, all of her babies should be born that way. Today, we know that many women can consider a trial of labor after a cesarean delivery (TOLAC), and many will be able to give birth through the vagina—called a vaginal birth after cesarean delivery (VBAC).
What does the vaginal birth after cesarean rate measure?
This is the percentage of mothers that deliver vaginally out of all the mothers who have a history of cesarean delivery in a past pregnancy. Nationally, only about 10% of women who have had a previous cesarean delivery give birth vaginally. Our goal is to continue supporting safe vaginal delivery of mothers who choose a trial of labor after cesarean delivery.
What can you do as a patient?
If you have delivered by cesarean before, ask your provider if you are a candidate for a TOLAC. Your doctor can tell you more about the risks and benefits of this option in comparison to a planned repeat cesarean delivery. You can also read more about vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) here.