
Patients and Families Patients Leaving Emergency Care (Medical Center)

Why is it important to monitor patients leaving the EC?

At Texas Children's we strive to make sure every patient who enters the Emergency Center (EC) is seen as quickly as possible. Our goal is that no family or caregiver will choose to leave the EC before their child is seen by a doctor.

What does “patients leaving the Emergency Center measure”? 

Patients leaving the Emergency Center (EC) without being seen is one indicator (a trend) we use to determine if patients are waiting too long in the EC. There may be other reasons why a patient/family decides to leave, for example, if the child starts to feel better. So while not a perfect measure, we use this information to look for ways to improve our health care delivery for patients being treated in the Emergency Center.

What can you do as a parent or caregiver?

Check-in with the front desk and ask to speak to a health care team member. Ask for an estimated waiting time, the availability of immediate treatment for minor injuries, or any symptoms you need to be aware of until your child sees the doctor.