Medical Humanities
The Medical Humanities Program aims to support those who work to create a healthier future for children and women throughout our global community by teaching, promoting and engaging in medical humanities. We provide both educational and professional development activities for anyone at Texas Children’s Hospital who desires to incorporate or enhance the practice of humanism in medicine.
What are Medical Humanities?
Medical Humanities is an interdisciplinary field of medicine that incorporates humanities such as literature, philosophy, ethics, sociology, visual arts and performance arts into medical education and practice.
Who can participate?
Medical Humanities Group events and activities are primarily designed for those at Texas Children’s Hospital who participate in caring for children and women, but anyone is welcome to attend and participate at any event or activity.
Parallel Charting for Pediatric Global Health Residents:
This activity currently on hold due to COVID-19 pandemic-related travel restrictions.
Parallel Charting is a Narrative Medicine practice that encourages clinicians to put into words the profound ways in which the stories of their patients influence the care provided to them. Historically, Global Health resident experiences have relied on journaling or an exit interview to help trainees process the life-changing experiences inherent in practicing medicine in resource-poor settings and then returning to a busy residency training program. The goal of this program is to provide trainees with additional skill training and support for processing their experiences and the way those experiences will impact the care they provide in the future.
Pediatric Residency LEAD Track Narrative Medicine Curriculum:
The LEAD Track consists of a self-selected group of pediatric residents who intend to focus on pediatric advocacy and leadership throughout their career. This program incorporates Narrative Medicine into their three-year longitudinal curriculum as a way to cultivate empathy and recognize the powerful role storytelling plays in advocacy.
Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Medicine (HPM) Narrative Medicine Curriculum:
The recognition of the human elements of care, illness and suffering are essential to both the practice of Palliative Care and the practice of Narrative Medicine. This program incorporates Narrative Medicine and Medical Humanities discussion and skill training into the Pediatric HPM Fellowship Didactic Curriculum.
Professional Identity Formation for Pediatric Physician Scientist Training and Development Program:
All medical trainees undergo the formation of a professional identity. For physician scientists, this requires formation of a complicated dual professional identity. This narrative medicine-based curriculum facilitates reflection and insight-building for pediatric physician scientists.