
Refer a Patient Multidisciplinary Obstructive Sleep Apnea Clinic (MOSA)

If you are a patient, please visit the MOSA Clinic for more contact, scheduling, and location information.

Referring Provider Instructions

General Information

After standard interventions have not yielded the desired outcomes, the Multidisciplinary Obstructive Sleep Apnea Clinic (MOSA) brings together a team of experts focused on enhancing your patient’s sleep.

Referral Guidelines

Patients of any age who have persistent moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea and meet any of the following critieria:

  • Past surgical intervention and not tolerating positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy
  • Sensory issues and craniofacial abnormalities inhibiting PAP therapy adherence
  • Non-adherence to PAP therapy and want to assess and exhaust all surgical interventions including drug induced sleep endoscopy
  • Complex medical history with or without underlying lower airway pulmonary disease
  • Trisomy 21 (over 13 years of age) and interested in hypoglossal nerve stimulator (HGNS)

To refer your patient to the MOSA Clinic, please complete the following steps.

  1. Complete the online referral form
    Please review the Referral Guidelines above and submit all supporting medical records
  1. Provide patient with scheduling instructions
  1. To check on the status of a referral or for program related questions,
    please contact the MOSA clinic nurse coordinator at 832-227-2495
  2. Follow your patients’ care
    Request access or log in to Texas Children's Link, an online provider portal connection to Texas Children’s electronic medical record. With Texas Children's Link, you are able to place and cancel orders and referrals, access patient medical records, view images, receive updates and notifications, and more.

Need Help?

If you are a referring provider’s office needing referral assistance or a provider needing to speak to an on-call specialist, please contact the Provider Connect team, M-F 8a-5p, excluding holidays:

  1. Phone: 832-TCH-CARE (832-824-2273)
  2. Toll-Free: 877-855-4857
  3. Email: providerconnect@texaschildrens.org