Teri L. Turner, MD, MPH, MEd
- Academic General Pediatrics
Assistant Dean of Graduate Medical Education
Martin I. Lorin Endowed Chair in Medical Education
Professor and Vice Chair of Education, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Academic General Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine
Languages: English
Office location:
5400 Griggs Rd
Suite 101
Houston , TX 77021
Get to know Teri L. Turner, MD, MPH, MEd
Teri Turner, MD, MPH, MEd is a tenured Professor of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine, where she serves as the Assistant Dean of Graduate Medical Education and the Vice Chair of Educational Affairs She is the Founder and immediate past Director of the Center for Research, Innovation, and Scholarship in Medical Education for the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Turner has advanced training in medical education as a HRSA sponsored APA National Pediatric Faculty Development Scholar and completion of a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Houston in 2004 in Curriculum and Instruction – Teaching.
Dr. Turner has expertise in assessment, curricular design, online learning, faculty development, educational scholarship and educational research methods. Dr. Turner has received numerous awards locally and nationally recognizing her educational excellence, leadership skills and curricular innovations. Most notably she has received the highest awards in the field of Education from Baylor College of Medicine, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Academic General Pediatric Association and has been the faculty mentor for the resident team which received the ACGME David C. Leach award for curricular innovations two years in a row (2015 and 2016). She was a co-investigator (and assessment specialist) on the NIH grant (RFA-OD-05-001) Relationship Centered Transformation of Curricula and was awarded an educational grant from the APPD to study the impact of a blended learning approach on faculty and resident satisfaction with endocrine teaching as well as several educational grants locally.
Dr. Turner is the first author of the Clinician-Educator’s handbook and has published more than 50 articles over the past 10 years related to medical education. Dr. Turner was involved with a joint national educational project working with the NBME and APPD studying the pediatric milestones and is now part of a consortium examining Entrustable Professional Activities. She is the chair of the APPD-LEARN (Longitudinal Educational Assessment and Research Network) executive committee and is the co-chair of Educator Development for the Faculty and Professional Development Task Force of APPD. Dr. Turner is an expert in adult learning as well as developing curricular materials, instructional design, and active learning strategies. In her educational roles she has created numerous curricula locally and nationally on a breadth of topics.
Dr. Turner serves as the Education and Innovations Consultant for the Committee on Continuing Medical Education of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and was a past member of the editorial board for PediaLink, the online center for lifelong learning of the AAP and the AAP Pediatric Health Literacy Project Advisory Committee. She is the President and Past Chair of the Education Committee for the Academic Pediatric Association (APA). She is also a member of the executive steering committee of the Pediatric Educational Scholars Program, Immediate Past Chair of the Academic General Pediatric Accreditation Committee and Immediate Past Chair of the Teaching Faculty Award. Her clinical areas of expertise are in translating knowledge into practice, behavioral pediatrics, mental health and doctor-patient communication. She is a national and international expert in the field of medical education.
She has given peer-accepted educational workshops at meetings of the Association of Medical Educators of Europe (AMEE), the International Conference on Residency Education, the Association of American Medical Colleges, Generalist’s in Medical Education, Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD), Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), and the Pediatric Academic Society (PAS) national meeting. She is a Harvard Macy Institute Leading Innovations in Health Care and Education Scholar and has served as an invited faculty member in this program since 2010 and was the co-chair of the FOPO national task force on the Future of Pediatric Training across the Continuum. She is recognized as a national and international leader in graduate medical education and previously served as a co-chair for the International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE). Dr. Turner is a member of the American Board of Pediatrics Competency Based Medical Education Committee and the International Competency-based Medical Education Collaborators team of experts. Her passion as a teacher is to facilitate reflection and growth so that learners can reach their full potential.
* Texas Children’s Hospital physicians’ licenses and credentials are reviewed prior to practicing at any of our facilities. Sections titled From the Doctor, Professional Organizations and Publications were provided by the physician’s office and were not verified by Texas Children’s Hospital.
High-Quality Primary Care Implementation: The Time is Now. Chung EK, Solomon BS, Perrin EM, Starmer A, Turner TL, Chandran L. Acad Pediatr. 2022 Mar;22(2):176-178. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2021.11.011. Epub 2021 Nov 21.PMID: 34818589
Creation of the Association of Pediatric Program Directors Faculty Development for Educators "Nuts and Bolts" Teaching Aids. Mahan JD, Wright M, Scott-Vernaglia SE, Turner TL. Acad Pediatr. 2022 Jan-Feb;22(1):6-11. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2021.06.017. Epub 2021 Jul 29.PMID: 34333178
Integrating Graduates of a National Faculty Development Program Into a Community of Practice. Chandran L, Lu WH, Mogilner L, Rana DT, Petershack J, Turner TL. Acad Pediatr. 2022 Jan-Feb;22(1):143-150. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2021.04.003. Epub 2021 May 27.PMID: 34052468
Planning and Presenting Workshops That Work: A Faculty Development Workshop. Zenni EA, Turner TL. MedEdPORTAL. 2021 May 11;17:11158. doi: 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11158.PMID: 34041360
Academic General Pediatrics Hiring Practices and Completion of Academic General Pediatrics Fellowships. Ragavan MI, Zenni EA, Turner TL, Klein M. Acad Pediatr. 2021 Jul;21(5):912-916. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2021.04.014. Epub 2021 Apr 23.PMID: 33895319
Growth mindset in competency-based medical education. Richardson D, Kinnear B, Hauer KE, Turner TL, Warm EJ, Hall AK, Ross S, Thoma B, Van Melle E; ICBME Collaborators.Med Teach. 2021 Jul;43(7):751-757. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1928036. Epub 2021 Jul 10.PMID: 34410891