Joyee G. Vachani, MD, MEd
- Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Associate Quality Officer – Medicine
Director of Quality and Safety
Advanced Quality Improvement Program Physician Leader
Director of Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine
Languages: English
Office location:
1102 Bates Avenue
Houston, TX 77030
Get to know Joyee G. Vachani, MD, MEd
Personal Statement
Working for almost a decade at the largest free-standing children’s hospital in the country, I believe mentorship plus opportunity leads to success. I joined the Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital an optimistic, driven physician wanting to change the world and remain that way today. Whether at the bedside, in a leadership role, or outside of work, I truly believe when you follow your passion, everything else falls into place.
I identified medical education as my passion during fellowship so completed a Masters of Education shortly after starting as faculty. I simultaneously took the Advanced Quality Improvement and Patient Safety course at Texas Children’s Hospital and was inspired by improvement/ safety work. I soon focused my scholarly work and took on leadership roles in our organization and nationally in educational leadership and quality/safety. I am goal-oriented, dedicated, and a life-long learner who with passion and humility, strives to provide high quality, safe care for patients, in an environment where learners, staff, and faculty thrive.
Clinical Interests
Care of the hospitalized child, mentorship and career development, quality improvement and patient safety, curriculum development, failure to thrive, women in medicine
* Texas Children’s Hospital physicians’ licenses and credentials are reviewed prior to practicing at any of our facilities. Sections titled From the Doctor, Professional Organizations and Publications were provided by the physician’s office and were not verified by Texas Children’s Hospital.
Vachani, J, Mothner B, Lye, C, Savage, C, Camp, E, Moyer, V. Impact of a longitudinal QI and Patient Safety Curriculum (QIPSC) for pediatric residents. Pediatric Quality and Safety 2016; Issue 2: Volume 1.
Lo, HY, Mullan, P, Lye, C, Gordon M, Patel, B, Vachani, J. A QI Initiative: Implementing a Patient Handoff Checklist for Pediatric Hospitalist Attendings. BMJ Quality Improvement Reports 2016;5:u212920.w5661.
Jerardi, KE, Fisher, E, Rassbach, C, Maniscalco, J, Blankenburg, R, Chase, L, Shah, N, on behalf of the Council of Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Directors. Development of a Curricular Framework for Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowships. Pediatrics 2017;7; Issue 1: Volume 140. June 2017.
Vachani, J, McNeal-Trice, J, Wallace, S. Current Evidence on the Evaluation and Management of Fever Without a Source in Infants Aged 0-90 Days: A Review. Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials Aug 2017.
Vachani, J. Even after Hurricane Harvey, laughter is the best medicine. MedPage Today’s September 28, 2017.
Reyes, MA, Paulus E, Hronek C, Etinger, V, Hall, M, Vachani, J, Lusk J, Emerson C, Huddleson P, Quinonez RA. Choosing Wisely Campaign: Report Card and Achievable Benchmarks of Care for Children’s Hospitals. Hospital Pediatrics 2017; Issue 11: Volume 7. November 2017.
Vachani, J. Failure to Thrive: Early Intervention Mitigates Long-Term Deficits. Contemporary Pediatrics April 1, 2018.
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