
Duncan NRI The Center for Drug Discovery

<p>The Center for Drug Discovery</p>

The Center for Drug Discovery (CDD) is a strategic center and resource for investigators at Baylor College of Medicine and beyond. The CDD aims to bridge the gap between academic research and pharmaceutical discovery by providing researchers with an economical path into early-stage drug discovery and enabling detailed examination and validation of protein targets and disease mechanisms.

The mission of this center is to develop small molecule probes, preclinical candidates, and drugs for researchers and clinicians in the Texas Medical Center and beyond by using state-of-the-art equipment and methodologies that will yield better candidate compounds for drugs and experimental therapeutics. The CDD researchers quickly identify and advance small molecules to clinical trials to develop cost-effective, novel drug and treatment options for a wide range of diseases, including infectious diseases, neurological diseases, metabolic disorders, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammatory disorders and other challenging conditions for which few effective treatments exist.

The CDD employs techniques that fully samples the theoretical total “chemical space” that comprises all possible chemical synthesis reaction products, resulting in compounds that more efficiently fill three-dimensional molecular space and better modulate the functions of specific target proteins. The most important among these methods are DNA-encoded chemistry technology and fragment-based library discovery that lower the cost of drug discovery, accelerate the drug discovery process, and bring new hope to finding cures for some of the most urgent diseases that afflict human populations.

Path to Discovery

To date, the CDD has produced vast libraries of compounds (now totaling over four billion compounds) that can be developed into new drug targets and viable therapies through partnerships with other academics, collaborations with various pharma and biotech industries, licensing partnerships, and commercialization. Contact Dr. Martin Matzuk () for more information on potential partnerships.

The Center for Drug Discovery


The director of CDD is Dr. Martin Matzuk and Dr. Damian Young is the assistant director.


The CDD includes 120+ faculty members affiliated with various institutions in the Texas Medical Center, including Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, The University of Texas Anderson Cancer Center, Gulf Coast Consortia and others.

Become a CDD Member

Our list of researchers continues to grow! Join 120+ faculty members who are committed to partnering with the Center for Drug Discovery to undertake successful translational research. By becoming a member of the CDD, not only will you gain access to our resources, but we hope you will honor a commitment to collaborate with like-minded researchers on a quest to discovery and disease eradication. Our expertise covers a diverse range of organ systems, pathologies, molecular mechanisms, materials science, and molecular modeling, and sophisticated medicinal chemistry. Collaboration between labs sharing complementary areas of expertise fulfills part of our mission to foster communication to effect cures more quickly.

To apply for membership

Contact Stacey Kalovidouris, Ph.D. 
Phone: 713-798-2039 Fax: 713-798-5838
Email: sk.cdd@bcm.edu