Pediatric radiography imaging includes standard radiography (pediatric X-rays) and fluoroscopy (real-time images created with X-rays). Doctors use them to evaluate a variety of illnesses or injuries in many parts of a child’s body. At Texas Children’s Hospital, we customize each child’s radiography procedure to ensure the utmost safety, latest techniques and comfortable, pleasant experience. This provides the best-quality image, resulting in a more accurate diagnosis and aiding in successful treatment.
Note: An order from your doctor is needed to make an appointment.
Pediatric X-ray
X-ray is the oldest form of medical imaging. It’s painless and usually can be completed quickly and easily. To create an image, a large camera uses radiation to capture a picture of the inside of the body. An X-ray passes through the body and onto a recording plate.
Doctors use X-rays to diagnose many disorders, including:
Bone fractures
Traumatic injuries
Fluoroscopy uses a continuous series of X-ray images to show movie-like images of body processes to let doctors see if internal body systems are working properly.
Before and during the test, a child life specialist can help your child relax by providing coaching and distraction tailored to your child’s developmental level. Sometimes this approach helps reduce the need for sedation.
Pregnant women are not allowed in the radiography testing room. Please tell the technologist if you might be pregnant. If you are, you can bring another adult to stay with your child during the test.
If your child is young or unable to lie still, he may need to be given sedation or anesthesia to help him relax or sleep. Depending on the test, sedation or anesthesia may be given by mouth, shot or IV (a needle connected to a tiny tube).
The doctor may want your child to be given contrast medicine to help certain body parts show up better. It may be given as a drink or with an IV. If contrast is given in an IV, your child may notice a warm feeling and a metallic taste. These last only for a few moments. If your child drinks the contrast, it may have a slightly unpleasant taste that fades quickly.
If your child needs an IV, a needle will be inserted into your child’s skin to give the medicine. Your child might feel a pinch or a poke when the needle goes into the vein. We can help with pain if your child needs it. If sedation is given, you’ll return to the waiting room during the test.
For most X-rays, your child will lay flat on an exam table underneath a moveable X-ray machine. The technologist will position your child and the X-ray recording plate, then place a lead apron over the front of your child’s body. The technologist will then go behind a wall and operate the X-ray machine. More than one image may be taken.
Your child may need to sit, stand or lie still and hold their breath for a few seconds while the X-ray is taken. If your child receives sedation or anesthesia, you can return to the exam room when the test is over. We’ll monitor your child closely until they’re fully awake. Follow any instructions regarding activity and dietary restrictions.
How do I find out results of the radiography test?
The technologist cannot tell you the results of the test. A pediatric radiologist will analyze the images and provide a report of the findings to your child’s doctor. Your child’s doctor will then notify you of the results.