
Acute Outpatient Rehabilitation Program

An Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Program

The Acute Outpatient Rehabilitation Program is an interdisciplinary rehabilitation program that includes Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physicians, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists and Social Workers.


The goals of this team are to assist patients with return to their prior level of function; provide education to patients and family about the patient’s new functional status; and assist patients and their families with a smooth transition back to school, home and the community. This treatment is intended to provide intensive short term therapy services, typically lasting around three months in length.

Participation Criteria

The Acute Outpatient Rehabilitation Program is designed for those patients who meet the following three criteria:

• Have experienced a decline in function within the last 6 months
• Have been discharged from an inpatient rehabilitation unit or hospital
• Require two or more therapy disciplines with a frequency of 2-5 times per week