
Preparing for your high-risk delivery and newborn’s hospitalization class


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It’s natural to feel a massive wave of emotions after discovering you’re expecting a child! This is a wonderfully exciting time for you and your family, but we understand it can also feel overwhelming.

While every family faces challenges, finding out your newborn may need to be hospitalized after birth can feel particularly stressful. To help families navigate this challenging experience, Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women offers a preparatory course in high-risk deliveries and newborn hospitalization.

Our educators have the highest level of credentials to help prepare you and strengthen your confidence through interactive lecture and hands-on instruction. This prenatal course is designed to address all of your questions and cover the following topics:

  • What to expect during birth and immediately after
  • Understanding your baby's care team
  • Your role with the care team
  • The neonatal and cardiovascular intensive care experiences (NICU & CVICU)
  • Bonding with your hospitalized baby
  • How partners and family can help each other
  • Specialized infant feeding and nutrition

In addition to the information covered in the class, participants will also be given the opportunity to meet and speak with families who have successfully gone through similar experiences. Sometimes the most comforting advice can come from the insight of those who have been in your shoes before.

Attendance is encouraged by one or both parents and up to two additional support members, if desired. You can register during any stage of your pregnancy with a prenatal diagnosis of a newborn who will need to be hospitalized directly after birth. We hope this course will help you feel more comfortable about your family’s future.

To learn more visit, http://women.texaschildrens.org/about-us/patient-education. To register, click here.