
Diet Plan For Childhood Obesity


Since this is still the beginning of the new year, I would like to share some basic guidelines that I give my patients who need to lose weight OR simply need to eat healthier. There are principles here for all of us, including toddlers and young children. Many of the parents who come to see me read the rules and tell me that they are going to follow them, too! That’s the best idea — total family involvement. Nothing that I have written will be a surprise and all of my tips are simply a summary of what you have probably already heard, but need to be encouraged to DO!

Do you want to lose weight and get healthier? Then, you need to start with a few simple steps:

  • Drink only water and low-fat milk (2% or nonfat). Don't drink your calories!
  • Exercise for 30 minutes every day. You must get sweaty!
  • If you eat starch, make sure you are eating protein, too.
  • Use a small plate, not a large one.
  • Portion sizes are important!
  • Chew your food and take your time.
  • I know you are going to eat out. When you do, abide by the following rules:
  • Never eat snacks out of a large bag.
  • Never snack in the middle of the night or after dinner.
  • Do healthy foods taste bad to you? Maybe you aren’t sure how to cook them.

Additional tips for toddlers and young children:

  • Your toddler should not be eating adult-sized portions
  • If he doesn't like vegetables or doesn't usually eat them, try placing those on his plate first. After he has eaten several bites, then put the items on his plate that he likes to eat.
  • Remember that pasta and rice are not an entire meal in themselves. Add some protein, too.
  • Proteins that people often forget about include:
  • When getting fast food, ask for milk or water and substitute fruit for the fries.
  • Limit fast food to once per week. I know your day is crazy!

And finally, make a chart, list everything you eat and drink, and keep track. This well help you achieve your goals! Good luck! I know you and your family can make some healthy changes!