Leaders in Research and Therapy Development for Epilepsy, Neuropsychiatric Conditions, and Mood Disorders
Epilepsies and other seizure-related disorders take a devastating toll on more than 50 million patients globally, and one third of those patients are unresponsive to any medications. Children with epilepsy run a higher risk of learning and mood disorders, gastrointestinal issues, and a host of other life-diminishing complications. Adults with epilepsy share many of these symptoms and comorbidities, as well as significant diminishments to their lifestyle and livelihood.
While scientists have been working for generations to treat different forms of epilepsy, until recently, there was little hope for finding effective therapies.
At the Gordon and Mary Cain Pediatric Neurology Research Laboratories (Cain Labs) at Texas Children’s Duncan Neurological Research Institute, pre-clinical research has led to a robust pipeline of discoveries identifying the underlying biological causes of catastrophic epilepsies and related disorders. For the past 30 years, the Cain Labs have led the way in epilepsy research, making transformative discoveries that have successfully identified causative genetic mutations and biological pathways.
As we continue our fourth decade of research at the Cain Labs, and with recent technological advances that enable faster translation, we are now prepared to lead this next and most critical phase: clinical research. Our researchers are translating our robust pipeline of discoveries into real therapies that could transform the treatment landscape for epilepsies, as well as gaining deeper insight into related conditions such as intellectual disabilities, neuropsychiatric conditions, and other mood disorders.
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