Texas Children's Global Health 25th Texas Children’s Global Health Network Meeting
“Harmonizing Healthcare: Uniting for Excellence and Impact”
11-15 November 2024
Johannesburg, South Africa
aha-Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre
United for Excellence and Healthcare Impact in Johannesburg!
Delegates gathered in vibrant Johannesburg for the 25th Global Health Network Meeting.
About this Conference
The 25th Global Health Network Meeting, hosted by Baylor Foundation-Malawi, invites global health professionals to engage under the theme “Harmonizing Healthcare: Uniting for Excellence and Impact.” This conference aims to foster collaboration, share innovative practices, and highlight advancements in combating health challenges such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, maternal and child health, and the mental health needs of children. With a focus on uniting efforts for greater impact, the meeting will feature workshops, panel discussions, and research presentations designed to enhance clinical leadership, integrate technology in healthcare, and explore new pathways for disease elimination. Participants will have the opportunity to network, exchange knowledge, and contribute to the global health dialogue, furthering our mission to improve the health and well-being of children and families worldwide.
Conference Objectives
Foster Collaboration and Social Connections: Create a platform for professionals to unite, share best practices, and strengthen our collective response to health challenges, while also building social connections and encouraging collaboration across the network.
Enhance Clinical Leadership: Through workshops and discussions, develop leadership skills among healthcare professionals, focusing on strategic planning and effective team management.
Explore Nuances in Pediatric HIV Care: Delve into the complexities and latest findings in pediatric HIV treatment and care, fostering a deeper understanding and innovation in treatment strategies.
Advance Disease Elimination: Share the latest advancements and strategies for eliminating infectious diseases, with special sessions on HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis, aiming for a future free from these health burdens.
Promote Quality Improvement: Emphasize the importance of quality improvement (QI) initiatives in healthcare settings, encouraging the adoption of best practices to enhance patient outcomes and operational efficiency.
Target Audience
This activity is a closed conference for select staff of the Texas Children’s Global Health Network and its 9 implementing partners (Fundación Baylor Argentina, Botswana Baylor Trust, Fundación Baylor Colombia, Baylor Foundation Eswatini, Baylor Foundation Lesotho, Baylor Foundation Malawi, Baylor Black Sea Foundation, Baylor Foundation Tanzania, and Baylor Foundation Uganda), focusing on expanding care in HIV, tuberculosis, malnutrition, maternal health, and more. It reflects our commitment as a leading provider of pediatric HIV care and broadened healthcare services.
About Texas Children’s® Global Health Network
The Texas Children’s Global Health Network, in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine, facilitates a network of affiliated non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across various regions, including Argentina, Botswana, Colombia, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Romania, Tanzania, and Uganda. These NGOs manage clinical centers of excellence (COEs) and spearhead technical assistance and capacity-building programs aimed at enhancing healthcare services and outcomes within their respective communities.
About Baylor Foundation-Malawi
Since 2005, Baylor Foundation-Malawi has partnered with the Malawi Government in the Health Sector, focusing on service delivery, training, and research. Over the past 19 years, the foundation has expanded its mission to encompass maternal health, pediatric oncology, pediatric emergency medicine, and pediatric surgical and anesthesia services. Through its primary outreach initiative, the Tingathe Program, Baylor Foundation Malawi collaborates with the Ministry of Health to enhance prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT), early infant diagnosis, and pediatric HIV care and treatment services. This is achieved through onsite mentorship teams deployed across various districts of the country.
Below, you will find information on the following topics: abstract submission, an explanation of this year's abstract thematic categories, templates & guidance, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Option 1: Scientific Research Abstracts
Suited for research conducted in all disciplines. These abstracts should contain the following sections:
- Background: Indicate the purpose and objective of the research, the gap being filled, and the objective/aim of the study.
- Methods: Describe the study period, setting and location, study design, study population, data collection and methods of analysis used.
- Results: Present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the findings and/or outcomes of the study.
- Conclusion: Explain the significance of your findings and/or outcomes of the study for treatment, care and/or support, and future implications of the results.
Option 2: Quality Improvement Abstracts
Suited for sharing projects that present approaches to assess and improve professional practice performance using QI methodology. These abstracts should contain the following sections:
- Purpose: Brief summary of current knowledge about the care problem, what is the local issue, intended improvement, aim statement.
- Methods: Setting, planning the intervention and implementation (including team formation), measures and evaluation (how you will collect and analyze data, how you will validate and test reliability of data).
- Results: Characterize aspects of the setting that may impact results (such as resources, staffing, organizational culture). Describe what happened (sequence of events, number of participants at key points), success of implementation, and how the intervention and implementation evolved. Describe how the setting impacted.
- Discussion: Summarize findings, particularly strengths, compare to findings of others, limitations, next steps.
Option 3: Program Description Abstracts
Suited for sharing innovative programs, activities, or projects, and the lessons learned from them. These abstracts should contain the following sections:
- Background: Summarize the purpose, scope, and objectives of the program/activity.
- Description: Describe the program, activity, or project, the setting, location, structure, key populations served, and details of activities/interventions implemented.
- Lessons Learned: Present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the findings and/or outcomes of the program, activity, or project. Include analyses or evaluations of lessons learned and best practices. Summarize any specific findings that support your lessons learned and best practices.
- Next Steps: Explain the significance of your findings and/or outcomes of the program, activity, project towards strengthening care. Describe future directions of the efforts.
Option 4: Clinical Case Report Abstracts
Suited for sharing challenging or interesting clinical case summaries from within your setting, highlighting key learning points and relevance to the Texas Children's Global Health Network.
- Clinical Case Description: Clearly describe the clinical case, including history, presenting signs and symptoms, vital signs and physical exam findings, diagnostics and therapeutics interventions, diagnosis, and clinical outcome.
- Discussion: Review limitations and strengths of approach to clinical case, highlight key learning points, compare to existing literature
- Conclusion: Discuss conclusions and implications, highlighting relevance to clinical practice.
Beyond the Status Quo: Innovations for Integrated Care (Examples include: Delivering holistic healthcare for people living with HIV [PLHIV] [and their families] experiencing non-communicable diseases (NCDs), Integration of nutritional services with maternal health)
Differentiated Service Delivery: Patient-Centric Service Delivery Models (Examples include: Mobile HIV clinics, Teen Club model, Grouping patients into cohorts to optimize programming efficiency)
Doing More With Less: Enhancing Client Outcomes through Cross-Sector Engagement (Examples include: Leveraging existing service providers to improve care models)
Healthcare Technology and Innovation (Examples include: New phone applications for PLHIV, Utilizing databases to optimize clerical tasks, Health education utilizing video-assisted counseling)
Quality Improvement Initiatives (Examples include: Long-term improvements aimed at enhancing patient retention, Targeting reduction in mortality rates, Improving nutritional outcomes)
Implementation Science: Putting Effective Interventions into Action (Examples include: Integration of HIV and Tuberculosis Services, Scaling Up HIV Prevention and Treatment Interventions, Implementation of new patient-focused services)
Education and Sustainability Initiatives (Examples include: Education Capacity Building in Global Health Programs, Sustainable Program Development)
Anyone interested in receiving coaching support for preparing their abstracts should sign up using the Abstract Coaching Support application, which may be accessed through the above link. Please note that the deadline to request coaching support is 17 May 2024. This support is designed to help enhance the quality of your submissions by providing personalized feedback and guidance.
Step-by-Step Guide to Submit an Abstract
- Access the Submission Link: Navigate to the Oxford Abstracts platform using the provided submission link for the 25th Global Health Network Meeting.
- Create an Account: Click on the “Create an account” button to start the registration process.
- Continue with Email: Choose the option “Continue with email” to proceed with using your email for registration.
- Enter Your Email and Personal Details: Type in your email address associated with your Foundation/COE, BCM, or TCH. Follow this by entering your first and last name.
- Set Up Your Password: Create a password for your account. Make sure that your password includes at least 8 characters, one number, and one letter to meet the security requirements.
- Confirm Your Password: Re-enter your password in the confirmation field to ensure it is correct.
- Finalize Account Creation: Click on “Create account” to complete the setup of your new account.
- Submit Your Abstract: Once your account is successfully created, you will be directed to the submission form. Fill out the form with the necessary details of your abstract and follow any further instructions to submit it for the 25th Global Health Network Meeting.
By following these steps, you will be able to successfully submit your abstract.
Steps to save and complete your submission later:
- Submit Your Progress: Press the "Submit" button to save your current progress. This action saves a draft of your submission. You can return later to complete it.
Return to Dashboard: After saving, return to the main dashboard by visiting https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/dashboard. From there, locate the NWM2024 event and access the event-specific dashboard at https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/dashboard/events/48290.
Image- Edit Your Submission: On the event-specific dashboard, you will see your existing submission. If submissions are still open for editing, you can make any necessary changes.
- Check for Alerts: If any mandatory fields are incomplete, a pop-up alert will notify you when you attempt to submit. Your submission will be marked as 'incomplete'.
- Complete All Fields: Ensure all mandatory fields are filled out before the final submission deadline to ensure your submission is processed correctly.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to complete a review using the Oxford Abstracts platform:
Step 1: Create an Account and Log In
- Receive an invitation to review abstracts.
- Create an account on the Oxford Abstracts platform.
- Once logged in, your personal dashboard will display the NWM2024 event.
Step 2: Access Your Assigned Reviews
- Click 'View' on the NWM 2024 event.
- In the review section, note the number of reviews assigned to you and how many you have completed.
- Click the 'Start reviewing' orange button or select a specific submission from the left-hand menu to begin.
Step 3: Review Submissions
- In the left-hand menu, expand the menu by clicking the blue arrow to see more details about your assigned reviews, including:
- Review deadline
- Review status
- Download button for submissions
- Filter tool to sort submissions
- List of submissions assigned
- Grade summary button
- Click on any submission number or the 'Start reviewing' orange button to proceed with the review.
- Review each submission by answering the questions displayed on the right side of the screen. Mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk.
Step 4: Manage and Submit Reviews
- Use the filter tool to narrow down submissions by Title, Category, Submission Status, or Review Status if needed.
- Download submission data by clicking the download button if you wish to view all assigned reviews externally.
- As you complete reviews, ensure all mandatory questions are answered. A green tick will appear next to the submission in the left-hand menu when completed.
- Navigate between submissions using the 'Next submission' and 'Previous submission' buttons at the bottom right of the screen.
Step 5: Finalize Your Reviews
- Review all your answers; changes are saved automatically, so there is no need for a save button.
- After completing all submissions, ensure all have a green tick indicating completion.
- You may go back and amend any review before the review deadline, even after initial completion.
Note: There will be no notification upon completing a review, so keep track of your progress using the platform's features. Ensure all reviews are finalized before the deadline.