
If you are a patient, please visit Neurology for more contact, scheduling, and location information.

Referring Provider Instructions

To refer your pediatric patient to Neurology (The Blue Bird Circle Clinic), please complete the following steps.

  1. Complete the online referral form or submit via Texas Children's Link

For new onset non-febrile seizures, having an EEG to review will help us identify the required appointment timeline for optimal care. If your patient with new onset non-febrile seizures has not had an EEG in the past 6 months, please order an EEG in addition to placing a referral to Neurology. Click here to be redirected to our EEG referral page.

  1. Provide patient with scheduling instructions
  1. Follow your patients’ care
    Request access or log in to Texas Children's Link, an online provider portal connection to Texas Children’s electronic medical record. With Texas Children's Link, you are able to place and cancel orders and referrals, access patient medical records, view images, receive updates and notifications, and more.

Need Help?

If you are a referring provider’s office needing referral assistance or a provider needing to speak to an on-call specialist, please contact the Provider Connect team, M-F 8a-5p, excluding holidays:

  1. Phone: 832-TCH-CARE (832-824-2273)
  2. Toll-Free: 877-855-4857
  3. Email: providerconnect@texaschildrens.org