Thomas Glenn, MD
- Cardiology
Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Languages: English
Office location:
6651 Main Street
Houston, TX 77030
Get to know Thomas Glenn, MD
Dr. Glenn’s clinical practice focuses on the care of individuals living with single ventricle circulation and how to optimize their long-term outcomes and ensure they thrive throughout their lifespan. He has a special interest in exercise physiology and how exercise and physical activity can positively impact those living with congenital heart disease. In addition, he is interested in the mental health and resiliency of individuals living with congenital heart disease and how medical providers can promote this. Dr. Glenn is passionate about his patients understanding their hearts and ensuring that they are all engaged in their medical care.
Clinical Interests
Fontan circulation, single ventricle heart disease, exercise and rehabilitation cardiology, mental health and resiliency, transition medicine
* Texas Children’s Hospital physicians’ licenses and credentials are reviewed prior to practicing at any of our facilities. Sections titled From the Doctor, Professional Organizations and Publications were provided by the physician’s office and were not verified by Texas Children’s Hospital.
Glenn T, Cousino MK, Wernovsky G, Schuchardt EL. Resilient Hearts: Measuring Resiliency in Young People with Congenital Heart Disease. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2023. Awaiting Manuscript Acceptance.
Glenn T, Duster N, Dwek J, Silva-Sepulveda J, El-Said HG. Selective Use of Pulmonary Vasodilators in Patients with Fontan Physiology. Journal of International Cardiology, vol. 2022, Article ID 7602793, 6 pages, 2022.
Alsaied T, Allen KY, Anderson JB, Anixt JS, Brown DW, Cetta F, Cordina R, D’udekem Y, Didier M, Di Maria MV, Eversole M, Ginde S, Goldberg D, Glenn T, Goldstein BH, Hoffmann E, Kovacs AH, Lannon C, Lihn S, Lubert AM, Marino BS, Mullen E, Pickles D, Rathod RH, Rychik J, Schumacher K, Tweddell JS, Wooton S, Wilmoth A, Wright G, Younoszai A. The Fontan Outcomes Network: first steps towards building a lifespan registry for individuals with Fontan circulation in the United States. Cardiol Young. 2020 Aug; 30(8): 1070-1075.