Regina Okhuysen-Cawley, MD
- Critical Care

Associate Professor, Sections of Critical Care Medicine and Palliative Care
Baylor College of Medicine
Palliative Care
Languages: English
Office location:
6621 Fannin Street
Houston, TX 77030
Get to know Regina Okhuysen-Cawley, MD
Personal Statement
I am a pediatric intensivist also certified in Palliative Medicine, which focuses on the care of seriously ill children, their families, and their medical teams. It is a privilege to provide direct care to these children and families as part of an outstanding multidisciplinary team, and to support Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine’s clinical and educational outreach programs throughout the world.
Clinical Interests
Bedside care of the seriously ill, medical education, global health, family and team support, and bioethics
* Texas Children’s Hospital physicians’ licenses and credentials are reviewed prior to practicing at any of our facilities. Sections titled From the Doctor, Professional Organizations and Publications were provided by the physician’s office and were not verified by Texas Children’s Hospital.
Research interests
Variability in practice and provision of critical care and palliative care services throughout the world; use of instruments to facilitate communication of important information in the context of life-limiting or serious illness
Davis AL, Carcillo MD, Aneja RK, Nguyen, T, Okhuysen-Cawley R et al. American College of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Practice Parameters for Hemodynamic Support of Pediatric and Neonatal Septic Shock. Critical Care Medi 2017 June; 45(6) 1061-1093.
Hayes-Jordan A, Green H, Lin H, Owusu-Agyemang P, Mejia R, Okhuysen-Cawley R, Cortes J, Fitzgerald NE, McAleer MF, Herzog C, Huh WW, Anderson P. Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults: the first 50 cases. Ann Surg Oncol 2015 May; 22(5):1726-32.
Reddy GD, Okhuysen-Cawley R, Harsh V, Viswanathan A: Percutaneous CT-guided cordotomy for the treatment of pediatric cancer pain. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2013 Jul;12(1):93-6.
Book Chapters:
Regina Okhuysen-Cawley, Kimberly Lehecka, and Joseph Carcillo: “Evaluation and Management of Pediatric Shock” In: Textbook of Pediatric Fundamental Critical Care Support, Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2008, 2013; 2018 in press.
Regina Okhuysen-Cawley, Sunil Sahai, Peter M. Anderson. "Pediatric Oncology Emergencies" In: Oncology Emergencies. Springer-Verlag. 2016.
Rodrigo Mejia, Regina Okhuysen-Cawley, et al: “Pediatric Oncology Emergencies” in Rogers’ Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care, Nichols and Schaffner, Editors. Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
Regina Okhuysen-Cawley : Pain and Opioids in Children. In “Textbook of Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care”, Second Edition; Eduardo Bruera, Editor. Hodder, 2014.