Diane V. Murrell, LCSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Languages: English
Get to know Diane V. Murrell, LCSW
* Texas Children’s Hospital physicians’ licenses and credentials are reviewed prior to practicing at any of our facilities. Sections titled From the Doctor, Professional Organizations and Publications were provided by the physician’s office and were not verified by Texas Children’s Hospital.
The opportunities for family-centered care with families who have children with Type 1 spinal muscular atrophy. The Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Special Edition. Family-centered care.
The Experience of families with children with spinal muscular atrophy Type 1 across health care settings. The Journal of Child Neurology 2017.
“Friends Learn to Accept Tobin.” Future Horizons Publishing Co.
“Tobin Learns to Make Friends.” Future Horizons Publishing Co.
Tiffany Raynor, Jessie Marcet-Gonzalez, Kevin Roy, Daniel Mahoney, Diane Murrell, Laurel Hyle, Joshua Bedwell, Development and implementation of a pre-tracheostomy multidisciplinary conference: An initiative to improve patient selection, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 2022,111135, ISSN 0165-5876, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2022.111135.