


We’re here to support babies with serious health conditions that require advanced intervention, such as surgery or complex medical treatments, and to support your family through the difficulties of managing your newborn baby’s health. With services such as neonatologists on-site 24/7, the highest level of respiratory support, advanced imaging, pediatric surgery and anesthesiology, and virtually every specialist your baby might need, we pride ourselves in turning almost no one away.

NICU at Texas Children's Hospital

Our Level 4 NICU provides the highest level of care. In our Level 4 NICU we care for babies:

  • who are born prematurely
  • who are critically ill
  • who have birth defects

Our Level 2 NICU cares for babies who are healthier, bigger and may be ready to transition to home.

Not all NICUs are the same

As the first designated Level IV NICU in Texas, Texas Children’s offers the highest level of neonatal intensive care, providing world-class expertise, experience, and cutting-edge technology to treat complex conditions affecting neonate infants. In fact, many lower-level designated NICUs transfer their neonate infants to Texas Children’s Newborn Center for the highest level of specialized care available, ensuring their patient receives the most advanced and comprehensive care possible.

Volume and experience matter at a NICU. Research consistently shows that babies treated in hospitals with highly experienced staff and a high volume of neonate infants have better outcomes. At Texas Children's, our doctors, nurses, and other neonatal and pediatric specialists have likely seen and treated even the most complex cases before, reassuring parents.

And because you are at Texas Children’s Hospital, leading physicians in virtually every pediatric subspecialty can visit and work with your baby’s neonatal medical team. This collaborative approach ensures that your baby receives the highest level of care, where you are an integral part of the team supporting your child's health and well-being.

Focused on your baby

Because these babies require intensive care around the clock, dedicated neonatologists, nurse practitioners and respiratory therapists are on-site 24/7. A neonatal nurse is assigned to each baby, providing consistent, compassionate care.

At Texas Children’s, your baby will have the benefit of the latest advances in evidence-based treatments combined with extensive family support to help build early bonds, even for ill infants.

NICU Levels: What do they mean?

NICU levels are defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  • Level 4 – Highest level available, maintaining a full range of pediatric medical and surgical subspecialists and pediatric anesthesiologists on-site
  • Level 3 – Provide sustained life support and prompt, readily available access to full range of pediatric subspecialists
  • Level 2 – Intensive care for sick and premature infants who need extra support
  • Level 1 – Regular nursery care available at most hospitals that deliver babies

Bedside care every step of the way

Bedside care every step of the way

We have the ability and responsibility to care for babies who need advanced, specialized care.