
The Pediatric Radiology fellowship program at Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine is one of the most experienced ACGME-accredited training programs, consistently training outstanding pediatric radiologists since 1972.

The one-year Pediatric Radiology fellowship trains up to five fellows using a large diverse case volume, exposure to state of the art technologies, multidisciplinary interaction and ground-breaking research, all supported with a full-time fellowship administrative coordinator, discretionary academic fund, and dedicated academic time.

In addition to our Pediatric Radiology fellowship, we also offer advanced training in the form of four second-year fellowship positions in Pediatric Neuroradiology, Pediatric Cardiac RadiologyPediatric Musculoskeletal Radiology and Pediatric Interventional Radiology, all accredited by the Texas Medical Board.


Application process

Applicants should send their Curriculum vitae to pedradfellowship@texaschildrens.org. Additional application requirements are listed on our Baylor website.

About Houston

Houston is the nation’s fourth-largest city and offers a rare combination of international sophistication and down-home Texas charm. Houston is a study in contrasts – it’s home to technological breakthroughs and warm, old-fashioned welcomes, the world’s best barbecue and award-winning performing arts. 

Contact information

For more information, please contact:

Nadia F. Mahmood, M.D.
Section Chief, Ultrasound Imaging
Program Director, Residency & Fellowship Education
Texas Children’s Hospital   I   Baylor College of Medicine
nfmahmoo@texaschildrens.org  I  (832) 824-7237

Matthew Longoria
Program Coordinator
malongor@texaschildrens.org | (832) 822-5325