
Recreational Water Illnesses: What Parents Need To Know


Swimming and summer go hand in hand and a lot of families will start packing up and heading to the pool, lake or beach. Swimming is a great exercise and fun family activity but to make it a safe one, parents need to be aware of recreational water illnesses. Recreational water illnesses can be caused by germs spread through contaminated water which can be found in swimming pools, hot tubs, water parks, water play areas, lakes, rivers or oceans. A wide variety of infections can cause  recreational water illnesses. The most common are parasites called Giardia and Cryptosporidium, and certain enteric bacteria such as E. coli, Pseudomonas and Salmonella. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, poor appetite and sometimes fever. Young children can be affected the most if they become dehydrated due to an acute gastroenteritis. Skin infections may also occur after contact with contaminated water. Most recreational water illnesses in pools can be prevented with the use of chlorine, but chlorine doesn’t eliminate all the germs. Some  organisms can live in the pool for a few days before the chlorine takes cares of them, and some are capable to survive even in the most well maintained pools.  Lakes, ponds and rivers can be contaminated with a number of bacteria and parasites coming from the soil, animals, and humans. Here are some effective healthy swimming tips for parents so all swimmers can remain safe and healthy this summer.

  • Keep your children out of the water if they have been vomiting or having diarrhea. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends to stay out of the pool for 2 weeks after resolution of the diarrhea, since some organisms can live in the pool for a few days before the chlorine takes cares of them.
  • Shower before getting  in the water
  • Teach your children to not go the bathroom in the pool
  • Don’t swallow the water
  • Once an hour, take your young kids out of the water for a bathroom break.
  • Check your baby’s diapers and change them often if needed.

Keep everyone safe around the water this summer and have fun with the family!